Monday 18 April 2016

Ambarawa history.

Monumen Palagan Ambarawa.
Perhaps the citizens themselves Ambarawa not many know that Kiai Lembah whose real name is Yasir Rahmatullah, son of Kiai Muhammad Basyar of Wanasalam, the northern coastal region, is the embryo or the founder of the City of Ambarawa.

Ambarawa city name, in one version derived from the Valley and the Swamp. The word derives from the name Kiai Loire valley, while the word is the name Swamp waters in Ambarawa named Rawa Bening (Rawa Dizziness). Tongue of the people formerly used to call this place the Valley Kiai meditated and bermunajat to God with words Mbahrawa, eventually evolving into Ambarawa.

In another version, the word derived from the word Amba Ambarawa meaning wide, and Rawa, meaning that areas that have a vast swamp.
Ambarawa history blurring caused still mixing the stories of history with the legend that is often spoken of parents verbally (oral tradition / oral history). The narrative orally result in a person difficult to differentiate the fictional story of events that sometimes irrational spiced with actual reality.

Moreover, in the story of the legend of Ambarawa more familiar with the legend of New Klinting, never mentioned a character named Kiai Valley (Yasir Rahmatullah) and his wife Nyai Valley (Nyai Siti Aminah).

The central figure in the legends of New Klinting more precisely find a child-bellied edema shaved head who is the incarnation of a snake named New Klinting, and figure Mbok Randha Dadhapan.

Within the scope of the historical city of Ambarawa spoken orally, the story is still very strong irrational. This is evident in the story of the meeting of Nyai Siti Aminah (wife Kiai Valley) with a dashing young man named Bra Klinting or New Klinting.

New Klinting the original form of a snake is the son of Ki Ajar Selokantoro of Gedhong Sanga (Candi Gedhong Sanga).

He made a mess with plugging a piece of stick out in the crowd (puppet) to disayembarakan. But none were able to revoke the stick, except him.

Long story short, the former sticks then exit the deluge that sank citizens. The Nyai Valley along the New Klinting save yourself riding a mortar until Tlatah Glagahwangi (Complex Mosque Demak).


Pilgrimage to the tombs of the ancestors or parents has become a habit most residents Ambarawa, Semarang regency. Times used for the pilgrimage was a Thursday night on Friday. Pilgrimage to the tomb but aims to '' reward '' the letter Yasin, tahlil, prayers for the souls of ancestors who have gone before.

In addition to do on a normal day (Thursday), a pilgrimage to the tomb also carried out in the month of Rajab and Sha'ban. In the month of Rajab is no tradition nyadran form of charity activities, shared meals, and clean-up in the tomb in order pudunan, meaning that the decline in human deeds.

As for the month of Sha'ban also contained nyadran activities in order to discharge berth, meaning that rising human deeds. Pilgrimage to the tomb also carried out at the beginning of Ramadan and Shawwal.

Habits visit the grave later became a tradition rooted in fact show the social piety. The activity is a form of filial piety to their parents.

Thus, it would have to be this we want to take the time to make pilgrimages to the Tomb Kiai Valley community as a form of respect to the founders, at least in the momentum of Eid al-Fitr.

Manifestations of respect in addition to look and take care of the tomb, the more important are efforts to provide clear boundaries between legend with a historical narrative that future generations City residents Ambarawa know the true history, as well as have the skills of personality become one of the cultural heritage fond of telling stories and '' play '' in the realm of literature.

True history in this regard is the story Mbah Kiai Valley, and spoken skills in question is Baru Klinting legend. By knowing the function of each story, the story could both support each community knowledge without having to remove one of the two.

Moreover, the public can trace the history of the town Ambarawa own story through the sites and relics such as the Tomb of the Valley in Kepatihan Kiai, Ambarawa, and Tomb Nyai Valley in complex Funeral Sentoro Queen, Kauman, Demak.

Cities included in the district of Semarang has traces of history that can not be ignored simply because the value of struggle contained therein.

Cool air, history lovers can find traces of heroism with monuments Ambarawa or a forerunner of world railway transportation homeland at the Railway Museum.

Ambarawa Railway Museum.

Ambarawa Railway Museum is the only railway museum in Indonesia. Its existence can not be separated from the history of the struggle of the nation. Ambarawa city since the days of the Dutch East Indies colonial used as a military area so as to facilitate the transport of troops, King Willem I founded the railway station in the city on May 21, 1873 in an area of ​​127,500 m2 and named Willem I, as founder.

After independence, the station is still used by the Indonesian nation. But with the changing times, finally Ambarawa station is no longer in operation since 1976. However, shortly after, at the initiative of the Governor of Central Java at that time, the late Soepardjo Rustam and Chief PJKA exploitation, Soeharso, Ambarawa station used as a museum with a collection Railways beginning 21 locomotives participating in combat meritorious, especially bringing Indonesian Army.

Ambarawa Museum collection.

Among the 21 existing locomotives, 4 of which have a special note. For example, the factory-made locomotive C.1140 Henssel / Sasshel 1891 which became the oldest locomotive with a speed of 50 km / h. There is also a late locomotives and locomotive B.2014 the shortest size.

While the fastest locomotive is C.2821 made in 1921 with a speed of 90 km / h, equivalent to 1050 horsepower. For the latest locomotive with the heaviest weighting is C.5028. In addition to locomotives, the museum still had some old-fashioned communication equipment, such as telephone, air morse telegraph, antique tables and chairs, clapper guard and notes.

The museum also offers tourist activities by using the cog railway of Ambarawa pull-Bedono. Distance traveled as far as 9 km can be reached within 1-2 hours with charter rates Rp. 3.250.000, - with a capacity of 90 seats. Usually this is the group to join the tour. If you want cheaper just use a motor lorry route Ambarawa-Jambu which is only 5 km but it took one hour to live.

Railway Museum is visited by school children on holiday. They usually come in groups. Foreign tourists, mainly from the Netherlands and Belgium, including a regular visitor Ambarawa museum. Only the high interest of visitors not accompanied by efforts to care and proper maintenance. Museum appear dirty and trash strewn across the area of ​​the field.

Worse yet, loko-loko who became the museum's collection are victims of fraudulent writings. The situation is different from the writer ever seen during a visit to the Museum Spoorweg Nederlands (Dutch Railway Museum) in the city of Utrecht. There, everything is well-maintained and pleasing to visitors.

Monument Ambarawa.

One more place that deals with the history of the nation in this city is a monument Ambarawa. Its location is not far from the Railway Museum Ambarawa. Established in 1974, the monument is equipped with a museum that collects some of the weapons used when there is physical contact between Indonesian forces and the Netherlands. In the same areas can also be seen two Dodge trucks and tanks of the enemy.

The monument was built to commemorate the heroic battle that occurred on December 15, 1945. At that time, Indonesian forces shot down an enemy plane and drowned her in the Swamp Dizziness. The wreckage is still today immersed there. A replica of the plane could be seen in this place. Military career of General Sudirman and Gatot Subroto Ambarawa battle begins.

Looking at the history of Fort Ambarawa.

The existence of Fortress became one of the great silent witness and the long history of this nation that has passed. Occupiers are entrenched control of the homeland, a war for the sake of a war, a series of natural disasters also helped shape this country be like today. Should each relic speechless, surely millions of stories will be revealed to be more than just a memory. How the fate of one of the great silent witness to history?

Mid-June to early for me and a close friend to roam. We dub this trip as a journey "Bolang stray". Bolang is not the boy adventurer who, as is known, but the boy is his hobby Ilang roam aimlessly.

Fort Willem I (Fort Ambarawa).

Departing from the city of Yogyakarta and overnight in Temanggung. The journey continues from Temanggung towards Ambarawa with the first drop in Gedong Songo. Thirty minutes of Gedong Songo, we arrived at Ambarawa. Without the knowledge capitalize on Ambarawa, our motorhome around aimlessly until we drive the motor steering in a rice field attention. In the middle of the rice fields stand firm building seems a bit unnerving but provoke curiosity.

Our eyes widened know the building is a fortress in colonial style is so thick. Silence and creeps that's the first impression that we feel to the presence of a bespectacled tourists goosebumps relieve it. "Mas, excuse me if you want the motor park where are you?", We asked the bewildered look for a safe place to park. "Straight ahead, follow the road there will be parking there," replied the tourist.

One part of the fort abandoned.

With our curiosity turns into the beating heart is quite strong because the parking lot is located in the area of ​​prisons alias prison. But, in order to satisfy our curiosity to explore the fort, we leave the motorcycle and walked around the castle.

Fort Ambarawa is another name of Fort Willem I, who is of Dutch heritage. Located not far from the Railway Museum Ambarawa. Currently, some parts of the fort was used as Penitentiary and partly used as a dwelling.

The size of this fort is very spacious, the main part consists of a castle with two levels and is located opposite. In part this is partly used as a fort room occupancy, but others were left abandoned. Impression of "creepy" somewhat faded when we saw the cages containing the chickens are kept by the occupants.

Walk past the lobby castle turned out to restore a sense of our misgivings. Besides fear of the fort are fragile, old-fashioned atmosphere of silence and ambush seemed to bring us to the colonial period first. The rooms were dormant left open, it appears there is a roof had holes, the floor was overgrown with wild bushes, and the rats milling about.

We continued to walk around the castle. On the edge of a rice field, it turns out there are other fortifications are located separately from the main castle. We must cross the rice fields to reach the citadel, but the steps we have to halt saw a wooden fence that lined the road as preventing people to approach the fort. Well, because there is fear, too, we were discouraged to visit the remote castle.

Fortress which is separate from the main castle.

About an hour we circled the fort until when the legs were getting tired, we rested at the front door of the prison, watching hordes of chicken. Considering the vast area of ​​this fort, may require expensive to maintain. So this time the condition of the castle is quite alarming. Eksotisan impression to this castle should blend with mystical impression makes the existence of Fort Willem I was not as popular as the Railway Museum Ambarawa neat and well-known.

But, do not be afraid to visit. If the President had once said JAS RED, Never forget history, then we need to preserve the history of the castle to visit Ambarawa. The ambience and atmosphere fortress mixed will bring us to enjoy history in another way, as if it were directly in history. In addition, the castle is well suited to be the place to take pictures loh. No need to go far away to Europe, to Ambarawa we can even catch a little of the atmosphere of Europe, but the Europe of the 20th century (hehehe).

Perhaps also with high tourist traffic, will knock the heart of the authorities to restore and preserve the fort Willem age that is not eaten and forgotten this nation.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: 18 April 2016 at 08:30
Tag : Ambarawa.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 08:30:00

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