Sunday 17 April 2016

Travel Jombang.

Gua Sigolo-golo.
Jombang has so many natural attractions are potentially huge, the resorts that offer a natural beauty that is very beautiful and attractive. But unfortunately, potenis this huge untapped properly, no supporting facilities and infrastructure sufficient to support the advancement of tourism in Jombang, whereas Jombang district is located immediately adjacent to the area of ​​nature Malang in the southeast, and travel Pacet, Trawas and Tretes in the east. However, do not worry, there are many sights Jombang you can visit and enjoy the facilities and infrastructure that is pretty complete. Here are some beautiful and interesting sights in Jombang:

One of the attractions are well known in Jombang Attraction is artificial, Tirta Tourism. Tirta Tourism is a tourist spot lokat in which there are a variety of exciting entertainment, such as fishing pond, tennis courts, swimming pools, and sometimes in Tirta balekambang Tourism held a variety of concerts, the performers dalah regional artists as well as artists of the capital. The place is located in the village of Keplaksari, District Peterongan, precisely located on the edge of the highway, Jombang and Surabaya.

Parks Keplaksari.

Attraction is the same as before, tourist attractions this is a man-made monument in which there from warplanes and animal sculptures from recycled materials.

Wanawisata Sumberboto.

If you want to visit natural attractions, then Wanawisata Sumberboto could be your first choice. Tourist rides are built forestry is often visited by local tourists, in this place, and cold air is very cool because of overgrown with a variety of leafy trees that looks very beautiful, there is also a heated swimming pool that can be a means to pamper and soothe themselves. The place is located in the village of Grobogan, sub Mojowarno, not a few people who made camp on the premises of this nature.

Agro Tourism Plantation Panglungan.

Go take a trip to Jombang do not forget to visit sights of interest such Jombang Agro Plantation Panglungan travel. A plantation with the mountainous topography of the area is located right in the village Sambirejo, district Wonosalam. This place serves as a water catchment area and the area of ​​land conservation. But this time, this place is being developed as an agro where the main crops being developed are cocoa, betel nut, coffee and cloves.

Tretes waterfall.

One waterfall tour we can enjoy on Tretes Hamlet, Village Galengdowo in Sub Wonosalam is Tretes waterfall. A gorgeous waterfall with a height of 158 meters, and is located at an altitude of 1250 meters above sea level.

Goa Sigolo-golo.

The place is located in the hamlet Kranten, Village Panglungan in Kecamtan Wonosalam, beautiful cave that offers natural scenery is very beautiful, perfect for you who likes to travel to explore the unique natural wealth of Indonesia beautiful and unspoiled.

Kedung Cinet.

Natural travel is typical of the mountains is very beautiful and charming, the flow of the river is very clear that we can enjoy directly. The place is crossed by 'rocking bridge' in the village Klitih Plandaan precisely in the district.

Made spring.

One more interesting attractions Ungaran is Spring Made. The place is located in the village of Made, precisely in the District Kudu. A heritage area bersejaran ruins of King Airlangga. Spring Made around, you can see Spring Umbrella, Drajat Spring, Spring Padusan and much more.

Sigolo-golo cave of Wonosalam Jombang.

Sigolo cave-golo who knows one of the sights in Jombang, Jombang especially the residents themselves. If Mojokerto has Pacet with a variety of natural attractions, and Batu Malang represented by a myriad of places wisata.Jangan one of Jombang also had an area where there are many natural attractions that Wonosalam. Starting from an annual event such as the Feast of free kenduren eat durian, until goa sigolo-golo.
For sigolo cave-golo or prefer to call the cave golo-golo create the original Jombang, a natural cave located in the hamlet village Kraten Panglungan Wonosalam districts.

For access to this location is easy, can be reached by two main lines, namely from the direction or directions Jombang Mojokerto, either they both have good roads with asphalt.

If the direction jombang, Take Wonosalam straight direction to follow the road until you find Panglungan village, after the village entrance location is near the tourist area of ​​the cave, and later was on the right road. Through the course of challenging for winding Jombang sharply.

If the direction Mojokerto, take the road to the township Kutorejo, and a straight direction to Wonosalam, until you find the plaque Tourism cave golo-golo, the left side of the road. Through Mojokerto feels very fast and not too winding.

Usually come here always bring their spouses, besides cool is also the sights and nice atmosphere there. Entry ticket only Rp. 5000, - for 2 people when the last time I was there that the new year 2015 yesterday and parking just Rp.5000, -.

Before you get to this place and intend to go into the cave better prepare your physical as well as possible, because to reach the cave you must go down along the path of stairs composed of land in formed by a bamboo fence and other timber after passing through the checkouts until find the river boro.

Boro river cave-golo Sigolo Jombang.

Now trace the river and look toward the front of the road down the hill you are using, if you are lucky you will be able to find goannya, and the opportunity to enter it. To get off that thing I think is easy, now rising that will feel "struggling".

In addition to the cave, in the sigolo-golo also has feathers view, namely a place for those who like selfie, or capture the moment on camera shots and also just to see it, here you will see a mountain of steamed and if turned down will be seen river boro, here (fur view) there is also a small food stalls.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: 17 April 2016 at 09:38
Tag : Travel Jombang.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 09:38:00

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