Sunday 8 May 2016


The history of modern Germany as a country considered to be a new beginning since the formation of the German Confederation in 1915 that was driven by the Kingdom of Prussia. However, this area has played many important roles, especially in European history, from prehistoric times (pre-Roman). What is now the Federal Republic of Germany has been inhabited by people of various ethnic groups, even Homo neanderthalensis, a type of hominid primates very closely related to humans (Homo sapiens).


Germany is considered as prehistoric times before the arrival of the Romans who then writes the records regarding the region.
The historical record on what is now Germany began their reports of Roman and Greek regarding the savages ( "Barbarian") that inhabit the northern part of the Alps. This period can be called the era protosejarah.
The era of history began in the 5th century, commonly called the Middle Ages by European historians. At this time, the stage of history is dominated by a loose federation of various feudal known as the Holy Roman Empire, which stretched for nearly 10 centuries, from the 9th century until 1806. In its heyday, the territories of the empire covering the territory of modern Germany, Austria , Slovenia, Czech, Polish western, eastern France, Switzerland and northern Italy modern. After the mid-16th century, when the nation lost a lot of non-German territory, the empire is called the "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation".
Napoleonic wars changed the course of history, from feudalism orientation became militarized state, with the formation of the Confederation of Germany in 1815-1866, the German Empire in 1871-1918 and 1919-1933 years of the Weimar Republic. After the reign of Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany 1933-1945 which lead to the destruction of this nation in World War II, came the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) as a symbol of the Cold War, to Germany reunited in 1990.

Prehistoric Germany.

Evidence of the oldest relics of occupants of what is now Germany was first discovered in the valley of the Neckar River near Heidelberg, precisely in Gemeinde Mauer, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg, the lower jaw of the creature type of human known as Homo heidelbergensis (aged about 600,000 to 500,000 years). Subsequently discovered the remains of Homo steinheimensis, notably the spear from Schöningen.
Of H. heidelbergensis appears offspring, called Homo neanderthalensis, were the remains of about 130,000 years old, at a time when Europe began to enter the last Ice Age. They last for 100,000 years, before finally extinct.
At the time of the Ice Age was ending, about 30,000 years ago, the German land area is virtually uninhabited because it is not capable of supporting life.
Signs of new residents come after, with findings that allegedly came from the relics of Cro-Magnon man. The development of civilization with the cultural level of the New Stone (Neolithic) is brought subsequent occupants. They are known to have been familiar with farming, animal husbandry, and began to settle. Subsequently found remnants perundagian capability development (found sheet metal with a sweep of the gold from the Bronze Age period and a picture of the sky in Sachsen-Anhalt. Remains of 2,000 years BC This shows the basic astronomical knowledge.

German pre-Roman.

Entering the period protosejarah Germany at a time when the news beyond the call of any other nation (Germany), but there is no direct source of pertinent sources of Ancient Greece from about the third century BCE mention there are barbarians (uncivilized) that inhabit the area west of the river Rhein as "Celtic" and who inhabit the eastern side (or rather in the northern Black Sea) as "Skythia". Poseidonios of Greece (circa 80 BC) the first mention of the "Germans" who inhabit the region between the Celts and Skythia occupancy. The third classification is then used by Julius Caesar.
From the results of archaeological remains, the Celts are known to have inhabited the east side of the Rhine in the upper and middle Germany (Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria and Hessen) in the pre-Roman (until the second half of the first century BC, before the onslaught of Julius Caesar). The remains of their settlement found in the banks of the River Neckar, Rhine, Lahn, and so forth. The findings in the form of various everyday appliances and cult artefacts discovered, but not found the remains of the building.
Germanic people mostly inhabit the north, after they migrated from Scandinavia. In the later period, often later the Germanic and Celtic coexist, is evident from the many relics of these two cultures at the same age somewhere.

German territory under the Roman Empire.

Still within the scope protosejarah, before the modern era (AD) the Roman Empire spread its influence to the west of mainland Europe. Julius Caesar's political expansion began in 55 BC, and forwarded by Octavianus Augustus after Julius was murdered in 44 BC. Areas west bank of the Rhine was conquered in the latter half of the first century BC. The conqueror was then set up colonies such as Colonia Augustus (Trier), Moguntiacum (Mainz), Civitas Nemetum (Speyer), Argentoratum (or Argentina, now Strasbourg), Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium (or Colonia Agrippina, now Köln), Xanten, and Novio Magus (Nijmegen). The expansion into the eastern plains Rhein to Elba River starts in the year 12 BC Germanic ethnic groups scattered and less organized conquered it with relative ease. At the turn of the era, stand Germania Province. Roman garrisons established at this time, and the process of Romanization began, as founded the city in Waldgirmes, near Wetzlar, now. The Romans execute the strategy of divide et impera against Germanic tribes that are fighting each other happy and lifted subject to tribal leaders as a royal employee / military.

Resistance Arminius and Roman influence.

One of the many Germanic leader was Arminius (Hermann der Cherusker, according to Martin Luther), of the tribe Cheruski. He was appointed as an officer in the Roman army and served in several battleground in the eastern European region. When he returned in the 8th, he formed the coalition forces attacked the Germanic and Roman troops in the western province of Germania. This coalition consists of a combination of at least 11 tribes, from about 40 of the Germanic tribes that inhabited the province. The first battle took place in 9 AD, which resulted in the death of the Roman generals, Quinctilius Varus, and beheaded. Skirmishes occur subsequent to 16 AD, which ended with the withdrawal of Roman troops to the west of the Rhine and from then on the east bank of the Rhine remains dominated by ethnic groups Germanic. Roman historians (eg Tacitus) and Germany today, Arminius often regarded as "the liberator of Germany", although there is theorized that the true motivation is the sheer power of resistance, in a power struggle with leaders of other Germanic.
After the death of Arminius (21 M), which, according to Tacitus "was killed by his brother", the tribes of Germanic back fighting each other until the Romans back can dominate the south and the west and founded the province Germania Inferior ( "Germania Downstream"), Germania Superior ( "Germania Hulu "), and Raetia. In addition, the Romans built a long wall (known as "Limes") to limit its territory and protect themselves from the attacks of the Germanic. These Limes remnants can still be found today, extends from the banks of the Rhine river in Hessen west to near Passau in Bavaria. Remnants of the Limes is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
During this period the Roman culture adopted by Germanic ethnic groups, both living inside and outside the territory conquered. Many words borrowed into the language of the Roman-German. In addition, the Germanic begin to organize themselves politically.

The German tradition and habit.

Germany is a country that has a unique culture, the culture can also be seen on the habits of the German people that they do everyday. Some of the traditions and customs of the people of Germany are:

1. Tradition of Naming.

Ever hear the name Müller, Weber or Schweinsteiger, and know what it means?
If we hear seems cool but it means a bit funny for Indonesia. The Germans in antiquity like to use the name of their jobs as their nicknames other than the common names that are already hundreds of years ago as Mark, Ribert, David, and others.
Europeans indeed tends to use common names without compose them, so that the names of old Europeans were still used today.
Besides the common names that Germans also like to add the name of their work behind the common name. That habit continues today, even have become a family name.
Some of the names of the Germans and their meanings:
Mueller (grinder)
Bauer (farmer)
Schneider (cutter)
Kaufmann (merchant)
Schumacher (shoemaker)
Schiffer (skipper)
Graf (employee registrar)
Schweinsteiger (shepherd / steward pig)
Weber (weavers)

2. Wedding Traditions

In Germany the preferred month for marriage starts in May. Traditions related to marriage in Germany are many and vary by region.
Brides often carry salt and bread as an omen for good harvests and men carry grain for wealth and good fortune.
In certain areas in Germany, until now still inherit the habit of certain ancient wedding rituals, suppose an example in the area of ​​Bonn which is still a trend that Bude Abend ritual before marriage slammed the bucket and broke the plate.
Similar to the situation in other European countries, mostly German youth in the church hold a wedding ritual at home and hold his party.
Party men cover the costs for the event in the church, the list of participants wedding guests is mostly determined by the parents of the bride.
However, in most situations, parents are the bride always negotiate with their in-laws, each proposing a name half, so can avoid unpleasant things during the feast.
Weddings in general, the list of guests usually two families including family members, friends both sides of parents, the friend of bridegroom and bride, in outline determined by comparison
Within the party atmosphere solemn, the groom is dressed in clothes neat and join hands with the bride dressed in white, under the escort of bridesmaids bride male-female, entered the arena of the wedding party, the guests expressed congratulations to the newlyweds, the bride and groom expressed thanks to the audience one by one.
Suddenly, the sound Ting ting tang tang fractional plates and bowls clatter dings, but it is also relentless, just like the sound of firecrackers during the New Year's Eve Imleek. Apparently, following the local traditional customs, before officially married must carry away the old ritual (unlucky) to meet new ones.
The invitation followed the party, everyone is on bringing a wide assortment of broken bowls, plates cracked, broken bottles and so forth. In the ritual, the people in the race slammed the plate and break the bottle, reparation
switch, the noise did not stop.
Objects rags were brought in and slammed the guests were scattered on the floor, the bride's parents with a smile collect the shards of such objects and swept to one put in a suitcase outdated and lit by a fire in the middle of the page, the audience surrounded him while singing and dancing, cheering and jumping.
In the traditional conception of the Chinese, during the feast, abstinence break things, the traditional conception of the Germans is precisely reversed.
They consider the slams and throws hard, can help the bride and groom remove the anxiety of the past and welcome the beginning of a beautiful, in the course of a long life, the husband and wife can always maintain romance warm, as long as life is not split up the hair graying.
Even more interesting is, of conjugal newlyweds should not enjoy the first night with a quiet, but concentrate fully, carefully pay attention to the surroundings.
There is always a right-left neighbors who regularly solves a set of porcelain, after the bride and groom were heard, as required by the immediate reaction is also an object splitting.
As if the other party a break crockery object is to congratulate them, they also slammed a porcelain to show gratitude.
Another unique things in the wedding traditions in Germany, namely the bride often carry salt and bread as an omen for good harvests and men carry grain for wealth and good fortune.

3. Sleep Patterns

Global sleep survey by The National Sleep Foundation found unique sleep patterns and habits of every person in six major countries in the world.
As many as 36% of Germans surveyed admitted sleeping less than seven hours each night. The sleep quality of Germans strongly influenced by the condition of the bedroom. They claimed to be more relaxed if the room has a fresh and pleasant aroma.
So they clean and tidy up the room every week in order to get some fresh air so that it has the quality of a good night sleep.

4. Eating Habits

Bratwurst, bread, sausage, cheese, Sauerkraut, Currywurst, Kartoffelsalat ... are some foods that certainly not rare, his name ringing ears to even imagine the minds of the readers in Indonesia, if we hear
German said. And what about the eating habits in Germany?
Is it just these types of food are becoming daily food menu in Germany and a food menu at any time eating?
Eating habits in Germany is actually not much different eating habits in our country, which generally consists of a breakfast, lunch and dinner.

5. Breakfast

As usual eating habits at the start with breakfast. Accompanied by a cup of coffee or tea, various types of bread and also the type of bread with a smear Brötchen diverse variety of sweet jam or chocolate flavor is one of the standard breakfast menu. Or even different types of cheese and sausage can also be an option for breakfast. But do not rule out the possibility if the menu in the morning, more broadly serve other foods such as
yogurt, cornflakes, müsli and also boiled eggs and various types of fruit juice to drink.

6. Lunch

Lunch is the main meal that has a heavy menu just like in Indonesia rice and side dishes. Only in Germany lunch is always served hot and the fresh and the menu of food eaten
often varies. Often the existing menu consists of menu dishes made of meat, potatoes and vegetables.

7. Dinner

Abendbrot - der Abend = night - das Brot = Bread, which is called dinner in German. Of the name alone can be interpreted if the dinner menu consists of various types of bread - Brot - which was served with various types of cheese, sliced ​​sausage and prayers.
But sometimes other meals are also presented in the "hot" like a soup.
In addition to the three meals that have been mentioned, there are also other mealtimes ie as an additional meal times.
Precisely mealtime is done in the afternoon when the weekend. Dishes available also are various kinds of cake or tart accompanied by a cup of coffee or tea. This time is often also used to gather with relatives or friends and even friends.
Seiringnya But with changing times and changing times are accompanied by changes in the German way of life and bustle as well as the needs of different eating habits in Germany also participated changes. With a high level of activity is not a lot of Germans who spend enough time to eat. Often they only spend
eating habits in a short time, for example in times during the day because of work or other activities often canteen food in the work place, fast food restaurants or even food from familiar Imbiss used as an alternative.
Then at lunch time and evenings was often varied, which is definitely one of mealtime serving food in a hot and fresh. Besides numerous restaurants that serve a variety of foods from various countries, call it like hamburgers, döner kebab, pizza, pasta, and also a kind of food asia add foods that can be found
in Germany. Surely that is not less important also that many Imbiss almost can be found throughout Germany that is the sort of restaurant or small kiosks selling certain foods such as Pommes Frites, Bratwurst, Currywurst, Kartoffelsalat and complements the already diverse types of food available in Germany.
At least the current readers already know about eating habits in Germany, but which may be known also that of course habits and types of food in Germany also vary depending on their respective territories, like in Indonesia, which has the typical food of every area.

8. Charging Habits Children

The available free time for teens and adults in Germany are now more widely available than ten years ago - an average of six and a half hours per day. The Germans most like to spend time with exercise or by following cultural events. Time spent in front of the German population television or listen to the radio
less than the most other OECD countries.
In Germany the term mall rarely used, because rarely are there, it exists in Germany is Fußgängerzone, which is a pedestrian area is open and the left and right there are shops. In general, the Germans would rather take the time to stroll in the park of the mall. They usually just go shopping if there is a specific purpose and not just for sightseeing.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
Name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: May 8, 2016 at 12:31
Tag : German.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:31:00

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