Showing posts with label City of Madiun.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label City of Madiun.. Show all posts

Monday 18 April 2016

City of Madiun.

 City of Madiun evenings.
City of Madiun is a city in East Java province, Indonesia. It is located 160 km west of Surabaya, or 111 km east of Surakarta, Central Java. In this city there is a center rail industry (INKA). Madiun Iswahyudi known to have Airfield, which is one of the main bases of the Air Force, even though located in Magetan. Madiun has the nickname City Girl, City Brem, Student City, City railroad, Pecel City, City of Culture, City of Literature, and City of Industry.


Madiun is an area pioneered by Ki Panembahan Ronggo Jumeno or so-called Ki Ageng Ronggo. Madiun origin of the word can be interpreted from the word "medi" (ghost) and "swing-swing" (berayunan), the point is that when Ronggo Jumeno do "Tripe land Madiun" occurs many ghosts wandering around. A second explanation for the name of the keris owned by Ronggo Jumeno named kris Tundhung Medhiun. At first not named Madiun, but Wonoasri.
Since the beginning of Madiun is a locality under the Sultanate of Mataram. In the history of Mataram, Madison is very strategic considering the territory is situated in the middle of the border with the kingdom of Kadiri (Daha). Therefore, during the reign of many rebels Mataram Mataram kingdom who built a power base in Madiun. Retno figures such as the emergence Dumilah.
Some relics of the Duchy of Madiun one of which can be seen in the Village Kuncen, where the tomb of Ki Ageng Panembahan Ronggo Jumeno, Patih Wonosari besides the graves of Regent Madiun, Oldest Mosque in Madiun namely Masjid Nur Hidayatullah, artifacts around the mosque, as well as the spring (bathhouse ) sacred.
City of Madison used to be a center of Madiun Residency, which covers an area of ​​Magetan, Ngawi, Ponorogo and Pacitan. Although located in East Java, Madiun culturally closer to the Middle Javanese culture (Mataraman or Solo-Yogya), because Madiun long under the Sultanate of Mataram.
In 1948, an uprising carried out by the PKI in the Madiun led by Musso in the area Dungus, Wungu, Madiun district which is now known by the name Monument crackle.


Geographically Madiun is located at 111 ° E - 112 ° and 7 ° S - 8 ° S and directly adjacent to the District Geger in the south, the east by the District Wungu, and west with Magetan. Madiun almost bordered entirely by Madison County, as well as with Magetan regency in the west. Madiun river flows through the city, is one of the largest tributary Bengawan Solo.
City of Madison is located on the mainland with a height of 63 meters to 67 meters above sea level. Mainland with a height of 63 meters above sea level is located in the center, while the mainland with a height of 67 meters above sea level is located next to the south. Air temperature range between 20 ° C to 35 ° C. Average rainfall Madiun down from 210 mm in 2006 to 162 mm in 2007. The average high rainfall occurs during the early months of the year and the end of the year, while the average low rainfall occurred in the mid-year ,


Gross Domestic Income Constant Prices 2006 reached Rp 937 billion, while the top price of Rp 1,687 trillion. With a population of 198 745 people (per 2006), per capita income averaged Rp 8.4 million per year if based GDP at Current Prices.
Strength madiun city budget (APBD) in 2007 reached Rp 854 billion, of which USD 87 billion for public expenditure. When compared with the population, the budget per capita reached Rp900 thousand per year.
Strategic position makes Madiun on the main path Surabaya-Yogyakarta. It is also the crossroads towards Ponorogo and Pacitan to the south. Will be planned by the government of East Java to build the freeway from the city of Surakarta (Without passing Kota Sragen and Ngawi) straight to the northwest until Maospati then forwarded to the City of Madison and forwarded straight to the northeast through the towns Nganjuk up in Waru, Sidoarjo (Due to the Surabaya-Gempol Toll), it aims to build the city of Madiun as a metropolitan city or a town halfway expected to help the problems of Surabaya. Therefore, the City of Madison is set as the hinterland or the economic center for the surrounding area in the Spatial Plan (Perda No. 6/2007).
During the period 2003-2008, the primary sectors experienced an increase of from 2.61% to 3.18%. Secondary sector (industry) also experienced an increase of 40% towards 59%. The tertiary sector increased from 57.32% to 58.45%, which further confirms the growth direction of the City of Madison as a trading center for East Java.
As the economic center of west Java, intercity transport is served by bus and train. Busing served in Purboyo Terminal and Terminal Te'an. Madiun crossed by the railway line across the southern island of Java. Madison Station is the third largest station in East Java region after the station Surabaya and Malang City Old City at the same time the third oldest station as well, and there is a center rail industry Indonesia (PT INKA).
The percentage of poor people in the City of Madison is much lower than the percentage of poor people in East Java. Since a decline in the percentage of poor people in 2004 in the City of Madison is from 7.9 to 7.1 then in subsequent years the percentage the poor always decreased as expected by the government. In 2005 the poor Madiun down 2.74 percent from 2004 while the poor in East Java went up by 3.44 percent. Then dropped very significantly in 2006 to 6.32 and in 2007 to 5.49 per cent.


City of Madiun crossed by Highway Solo-Surabaya. so having Purboyo Bus Terminal located on Jalan Basuki Rahmat, Madiun. City of Madison is also traversed by the railway, which links this city to Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, based in Madiun Station. Madiun Station Railway also dispatched its own, namely KRDI Madiun Jaya, purpose-Racing Solo and Yogyakarta. Now there is also KRDI Arjuna Surabaya Gubeng. Then on July 24, 2013 PT. KAI started to create a new stretch-Madison department Merak stations that are still operating.

Administrative division.

Madiun City region has an area of ​​33.23 km ² divided into five (5) sub-districts Manguharjo, District Park, and District Kartoharjo. With an area of ​​each sub-district Manguharjo 12.54 km ², District Park 13.46 km ², and the District Kartoharjo 11.73 km ². Each sub-district consists of 9 villages so it all there are 27 villages in the City of Madiun. And there is a new sub-district division of the District Maguharjo Anyar and Madiun City.

Social and cultural rights.

In 2007, the population of the City of Madiun grew an average of 5 percent. Total population by age is quite dynamic. Age under 15 years, the number of male population is higher than the number of women, but for the ages between 15 to 19 more women. Likewise for ages 50 years and over, the number of women is far greater than the number of men.
In the 2003-2007 period, the average length of school in Madiun 9.5 to 10.32 years, or until the 10th grade (junior high school). Still far from the needs of human resources for supporting the growth of a city-based services and trade sectors. However, the figure is far above the average of East Java province, which reached 6.5 to 7.06 years.
Madison is known for its superior product Brem food. One typical food is Pecel Madiun Madiun, as well as madiun pecel sauce. City of Madison is also a preserver of traditional culture, are pencak silat. Where is one of the wealth of martial arts in Indonesia. The forms of preservation was as still their organizations martial arts native Madiun like Faithful Heart which is one of the college martial arts oldest in Indonesia who helped shape the flow stream of martial arts in Indonesia, Faithful Heart Terate which can be said as the organization of martial arts World Indonesia who helped the birth of IPSI (including 10 universities historically IPSI together Faithful Heart Organization - Semarang), Faithful Heart Tattuhu determination, Faithful Heart Tunas Muda Winongo, Pencak Silat & Power In "Brotherhood Taste Single", Pencak Silat-Martial Empty Hand ( PPS Betako) Merpati Putih, OCC Pangastuti, Ki Ageng Pandan Alas, IKSPI Kera Sakti, Shield and Persati


City of Madison is also known as City of Industry because it has the following industry :
Railway Industry (P.T.INKA)
industrial SMEs
Steel Industry (PT.Hari Jaya Utama)
Jepara Furniture Industry
Alvero Shoe Industry
industrial Bags
Industry Snacks
Industry cigarette factory

Shopping center.

Plaza Madiun in Jalan Pahlawan
Sun Plaza, Jalan Pahlawan
Queen 1 in Jalan Pahlawan
Arising Jaya Plaza, Jalan Pahlawan
President of the Main Plaza on Jalan Sudirman
President Plasa (Bursa Mobile) in Jalan Square East
Carrefour Madiun in Jalan S.Parman
Suncity Mall and Plaza, Jalan S. Parman
Pasar Besar Madiun in the Sudirman
Joyo market at Jalan Imam Bonjol
Sleko market in Jalan Trunojoyo
Metal market Jaya in Jalan Slamet Riyadi
Fish Market in Jalan Pelita Putra Tama
Bird Market in Jalan Sri Pelita Jaya Tama
Sukoasri market in Jalan Mangun Work
Madiun Royal Square (MARS)

Typical culinary Madiun.

Madiun has a variety of specialties, including:
pecel Madiun
rice fist


Madiun has a typical assortment of beverages, including:
Brem Liquid


Madiun has an assortment of typical souvenirs, such as:
honey Mongso
One cake

Nickname Madiun.

Brem city
Caused food Madiun Brem is a typical food that has been widely known.
City ​​of Pecel
Madiun got the nickname because it has food Nasi pecel pecel typical nutritious food for health
city ​​of Literature
City of Literature is also the nickname of the City of Madison because students here are very smart achievement in the field of literature.
Railroad town (City Railway)
Madiun known town or city railway sidings, this was proven once Madiun is the flow of rail traffic is crowded.
Student City
Student City is also the nickname of the city of Madiun because many students from outside the city who studied in Madiun Madiun, causing the density of students.
City of Culture.
City of Madison is a city of culture, ie cultural inheritance Pencak Silat Setia Hati.
City girl (Commerce, Education and Industry)
City of Madison is an industrial city that is Industrial Rail and Industrial Limestone.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: 18 April 2016 at 15:51
Tag : City of Madiun.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 15:51:00