Showing posts with label History Kediri.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History Kediri.. Show all posts

Sunday 17 April 2016

History Kediri.

Kediri City is a city in East Java province, Indonesia. It is located 130 km southwest of Surabaya and the third largest city in East Java after Surabaya and Malang by population. Kediri city has an area of ​​63.40 km² and the whole territory bordering the Kediri. Kediri city riven by Brantas river that stretches from south to north along the 7 kilometers.
Kediri known to be a major trading center for sugar and tobacco industry in Indonesia. In this city, too, clove cigarette factory Gudang Garam standing and growing. In 2010, was named the first rank Kediri Indonesia namely Most Recommended City for Investment based on a survey by SWA assisted by Business Digest, SWA Group research business unit.


Archaeological artifacts were found in 2007 showed that the area around the site of the royal Kediri Kediri, a Hindu kingdom in the 11th century.
Beginning of Kediri as an urban settlement begins when Airlangga moved the government of the kingdom Kahuripan to Dahanapura, according Fiber Calon Arang. Dahanapura ( "City of Fire") subsequently better known as Daha. After the death of Airlangga, Medang region is divided into two: Janggala Panjalu in the west and in the east. Daha become Panjalu Kingdom central government and the center of government Kahuripan Janggala. Panjalu by the authors of the recent period is also referred to as the kingdom of Kadiri / Kediri, with the area of ​​approximately Kediri Madiun until now.
Since the Kingdom of Tumapel (Singasari) rose, Daha attacked the capital and the city became kingship vazal, which continue to Majapahit, Demak and Mataram.
Kediri fall into the hands of the VOC as a consequence Geger Chinatown. East Java at that time controlled Cakraningrat IV, duke of Madura who sided VOC and wanting free of Kasunanan Kartasura Madura. Because Cakraningrat IV wishes rejected by the VOC, he rebelled. This rebellion was defeated VOC, helped Pakubuwana II, sunan Kartasura. As payment, Kediri be part controlled by the VOC. Dutch control of Kediri continued until the War of Independence Indonesia.
The development of self-government of Kediri be started when the inauguration Gemeente Kediri on 1 April 1906 by Staasblad (State Gazette) no. 148 dated March 1, 1906. Gemeente it became the seat of the Resident of Kediri to the nature of the autonomous government is limited and has Gemeente Raad ( "City Council" / DPRD) as many as 13 people, consisting of eight groups of Europe and equated (Europeanen), four Natives (inlanders) and one foreign Asian Nations people. In addition, based Staasblad No. 173 dated March 13, 1906 financial budget is set at f. 15 240 in one year. New from November 1, 1928 by Stbl No. 498 dated January 1, 1928, the town of Kediri be "Zelfstanding Gemeenteschap" ( "city of the autonomous" to become full autonomy).
Kediri during the Independence Revolution of 1945-1949 became one route point guerrilla Great Commander General Sudirman.
Kediri also noted the murky history as well as G30S PKI Rebellion era because many residents Kediri participating victims.


Kediri City area is 63.40 km² or (6340 ha) and is a medium-sized city in East Java province. Located in an area traversed the Brantas River and in between a valley at the foot of the volcano, Mount Wilis with 2552 meters high. A city of 312,000 (2012) This soul is ± 130 km from Surabaya, capital of East Java province lies between 07 ° 45'-07 ° 55'LS and 111 ° 05'-112 ° 3 'BT. From the aspect of topography, Kediri City is located at an average elevation of 67 meters above sea level, with a rate of 0-40% slope
The structure area of ​​Kediri split into two parts by the river Brantas, the east and west of the river. Lowland area located in the eastern part of the river, includes the district of Kediri and School District, while the plateau is located in the western part of the river that is Mojoroto District which, in the western part of the river is a land less fertile partly into the slopes of Mount Klotok (472 m) and Mount Maskumambang (300 m).
The whole area of ​​the town of Kediri Regency of Kediri, with boundaries as follows:
Northern: District and District Gampengrejo Banyakan, Kediri
South: District of Kandat, District Ngadiluwih, and District Semen, Kediri
East: District of Wates and Gurah Subdistrict, Kediri
West: District of Banyakan and District Semen, Kediri


According to the Office of Population and Civil Registration Kediri city, the population of the town of Kediri in 2012 as many as 312 331 people. The population density of Kediri amounted to 4,926 inhabitants per km².
Became the site of an ancient capital of the kingdom of Java, this city is one of the main cultural center for Javanese and in the city also contains several ancient ruins and temples era Kediri Kingdom and the Kingdom of Majapahit.


The majority of the population of Kediri are Javanese, followed by Chinese, Batak, Manado, Ambon, Madura, Sunda, Arab, and various Javanese migrants outside others who lived and settled in this city.


Based on the Population Census of Kediri in 2010, the majority of the population is Muslim, followed by Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and other cult.
Many places of worship such as a mosque, temple, temple, church and others have stood for hundreds of years as the church building GPIB Kediri relics of the colonial and Tjio Hwie Kiong temple. Tolerance and inter-religious harmony in Kediri established.


Indonesian into formal language in Kediri City community, while the Java language to be the most frequently used in everyday life with family, neighbors, friends, or those of fellow speakers of other Java language. Unlike the Java language and dialect Dialect Surabaya Malang who had a dialect and style of Javanese outspoken and egalitarian, the Java language and the majority of people Kediri in East Java region Mataraman more tend to be smooth in terms of the use of words and narrative.


In the town of Kediri administration headed by a mayor and deputy mayor are elected directly by the people Kediri Kediri in the municipal elections every five years. Kediri mayor in charge of the coordination of the area district administration headed by a district head. Subdistrict subdivided into kelurahan headed by a headman. The entire district and urban village is a range of civil servants in the municipality. Election of mayor and deputy mayor in the city's first directly Kediri was first held in 2008, after the previous mayor and his deputy have been selected by the city parliament. Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Kediri today is Abdullah Abu Bakr and Lilik Muhibbah derived from the National Mandate Party and the Indonesian Nahdlatul Community Party.


Map Division of Administrative Kediri.
Kediri city consists of three districts and 46 villages. Here is the list of districts in Kediri:


The city is growing along with the increasing quality in various aspects, namely education, tourism, trade, government bureaucracy, to the sport. Shopping centers from traditional markets to modern shopping center has been operating in the city.
Gudang Garam cigarette industry which is in the city, became the backbone of the economy of the majority of citizens of Kediri, which is also the largest tobacco company in Indonesia. About 16,000 residents kediri depend on the company. Gudang Garam and excise taxes contribute relatively large to the municipality.
In the field of tourism, the city has a variety of tourist attractions, such as the Swimming Pool Pagora, Water Park Tirtayasa, Pier Jayabaya, Goa Selomangleng and Sekartaji Park. In the area along Jalan Dhoho into the densest shopping center in Kediri. Some corners of the city there is also a mini market, cafes, resorts, nightclubs and many other places that became the backbone of the economy as well as meeting the needs of society.
Kediri city received the award as a city that is most conducive to invest from an event related to public services and the quality of autonomy. [Citation needed] Kediri be a reference for investors who want to invest in this city. Some private colleges, boarding schools, and so also have an impact to the city's economy.
Covering Recreation Tourism, Culinary, Nature and Religion, namely:
Natural tourism.
Selomangleng cave, in the Village Corner


Candi Gedong Setono relics of the Hindu Kingdom in Jalan Dhoho
Museum Airlangga, in the Village Corner
Museum of Photography Kediri
Shrine Tjio Hwie Kiong
Red Church GPIB Kediri, typical buildings of the era of Colonialism
dock Joyoboyo
Kediri monument Syu

Family Travel.

Kediri Waterpark, Source Podang
Waterpark Selomangleng, in the Village Corner
Swimming Pool Pagora
Swimming Pool Tirtoyoso
Wildlife Tourism Ubalan
Gumul Paradise Island
Kediri Town Square
Parks Sekartaji

Religious Tourism.

Banjar Mlati Mosque, the oldest mosque in the town of Kediri
Masjid Auliyya Setono Gedong
Great Mosque of Kediri
Ancient tomb of Mbah Wassil
KH tomb. Hamim Djazuli (Gus Miek)

Culinary tour.

Culinary Tourism Kediri Soto Bok Ijo in Terminal TAMANAN
Know center Takwa and Gethuk Gedang in Jalan Pattimura
Culinary Pecel in Jalan Dhoho
Culinary Roasted Corn at the Roundabout Sekartaji

Shopping center.

Shopping center, Mall & Market in Kediri area
Kediri Town Square (Jl. Hasanuddin)
Kediri Mall (Jl. Hayam Wuruk)
Ramayana (Jl. Panglima Sudirman)
Golden Supermarkets & Golden Theatre (Jl. Hayam Wuruk)
Dhoho Plaza (Jl. Panglima Sudirman)
Dhoho Square (Jl. Brigjend Katamso)
Hayam Wuruk Trade Center (Jl. Hayam Wuruk)
UFO Electronic Mall (Jl. Joyoboyo)
Anfia Komputama (Jl. Sergeant Bahrun)
AJBS Supermarkets (Jl. Kilisuci)
Jayabaya Trade Center (Jl. Jayabaya)
Mojoroto Lovely Trade Center (Jl. Kawi)
Borobudur Supermarkets and Department Stores (Jl. Dhoho)
Kris Gallery Trade Center (Jl. Brawijaya)
Plaza Kediri Supermarkets (Jl. Yos Sudarso)
Commercial Complex Brawijaya Stadium
market Pahing
Setono market Betek
City market
Raya Pasar Sriratu


Grand Surya Hotel
Merdeka Hotel
INSUMO Palace Hotel & Resort
Bukit Daun Hotel & Resort
Lotus Garden Hotel
upgrading Hotel
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: 17 April 2016 at 00:16
Tag : History Kediri.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 00:16:00