Showing posts with label History of Bogor.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History of Bogor.. Show all posts

Sunday 17 April 2016

History of Bogor.

 Bogor city at night.
Nearly the general population to have confidence that the Bogor Bogor City has a locative relationship with Pakuan City, the capital of Pajajaran. The origins and meaning Pakuan contained in various sources. Listed below are the search results from these sources in chronological order:
Carita script Waruga Guru (1750s). In the Old Sundanese manuscripts is explained that pakuan pajajaran name based on the location that is a lot of trees Pakujajar.

K.F. Holle (1869). In the article titled De Batoe Toelis te Buitenzorg (Batutulis in Bogor), Holle said that near the city of Bogor contained village called Cipaku, along the river that has the same name. There are found trees spikes. So according to Holle, Pakuan name is related to the presence of Cipaku and tree spikes. Pakuan pajajaran means tree spikes that lined ( "op Rijen staande Pakoe bomen").
G.P. Rouffaer (1919) in the Encyclopedie van Niederlandsch Indie Stibbe 1919 edition Pakuan implies "spikes", but must be interpreted "nail universe" (Spijker der wereld) symbolizing the king as the title Pakubowono and Paku Alam. "Pakuan" according Fouffaer similar to the "Maharaja". The word "Pajajaran" is defined as "stand in line" or "counterpoise" (evenknie). Which meant Rouffaer is standing parallel or balanced by Majapahit. Even Rouffaer not summarize pakuan pajajaran sense, but from the description it can be concluded that in his opinion pakuan pajajaran means "Maharaja who stand parallel or balanced with (Maharaja) Majapahit". He agreed with Hoesein Djajaningrat (1913) that pakuan pajajaran established in 1433.

R. Ng. Poerbatjaraka (1921). In writing De Batoe-Toelis bij Buitenzorg (Batutulis near Bogor), he explained that the word "Pakuan" should come from the ancient Javanese language "pakwwan" who then spelled "Pakwan" (the "w", is written on Batutulis inscription). In the tongue of the Sundanese word would be pronounced "ferns". The word "Pakwan" means a tent or palace. So, pakuan pajajaran, according Poerbatjaraka, means "palaces that lined" (aanrijen staande Hoven).
H. Ten Dam (1957). As an Agricultural Engineer, Ten Dam wanted to examine the socio-economic life of farmers in West Java with a preliminary approach in terms of historical development. In his writings, Verkenningen Rondom Padjadjaran (Intro about Pajajaran), the definition of "Pakuan" nothing to do with the "phallus" (milestone) stuck on the rocks next to the inscription Batutulis as a sign of power. He reminded that in the Carita Parahyangan touted figures and Sang Sang Haluwesi Susuktunggal thinks they have a sense of "spikes".

He argues that the "fern" is not a name, but a common noun meaning capital (hoffstad) which must be distinguished from the palace. The word "Pajajaran" overhaul based on topography. He was referring to reports Kapiten Wikler (1690) who reported that he passed through the palace Pakuan in Pajajaran located between the Great River in Tangerang River (also called the Ciliwung and Cisadane). Ten Dam drew the conclusion that the name "Pajajaran 'is due to several kilometers Ciliwung and Cisadane flowing parallel. So, in a sense pakuan pajajaran Ten Dam is Pakuan in Pajajaran or "Dayeuh Pajajaran".
The term "Pakuan", "Pajajaran", and "pakuan pajajaran" can be found in Batutulis inscription (numbers 1 & 2) while the number 3 can be found on the inscription Kebantenan in Bekasi.

In the script Carita Parahyangan last sentence reads "The Susuktunggal, inyana nu nyieunna Palangkaraya Sriman Sriwacana Sri Baduga Maharajadiraja Ratu Haji in Pakwan Pajajaran nu mikadatwan Sri Bima Punta Narayana Madura Suradipati, inyana Pakwan Sanghiyang the Queen of the Gods" (The Susuktunggal, it was he who made the throne Sriman Sriwacana (to) Baduga Sri Maharaja Queen Ruler in pakuan pajajaran that resides in the palace Sri Bima Punta Narayana Madura Suradipati, namely pakuan Sanghiyang the Queen of the Gods).

Sanghiyang the Queen of the Gods is another title for Sri Baduga. So-called "fern" it is "Kadaton" named Sri Bima and enemies. "Pakuan" is a residence for the king, commonly called the palace, kedaton or palace. So Poerbatjaraka interpretation was consistent with the intended meaning in the Carita Parahyangan, which is "lined palace". The interpretation closer again when viewed name palace are quite long but consists of names that stand alone. It is estimated that there are five (5) of the palace buildings, each named: Bima, Punta, Narayana, Madura and Suradipati. This is probably commonly referred to in terms of the classic "five persada" (five palace). Suradipati is the name of the parent palace. This can be compared with the names of the other palace, that Surawisesa in Kawali, Surasowan in Banten and Surakarta in Jayakarta in the past.

Due to a long name that people might prefer to summarize, pakuan pajajaran or Pakuan or Pajajaran. The name of the palace can be expanded to the name of the capital and eventually became the name of the country. For example: Name Kraton Surakarta Sultanate and Ngayogyakarta, which extends to the name of the capital and regional names. Ngayogyakarta inside colloquially simply called Yogya.

Opinion Ten Dam (Pakuan = capital) was in use, but wrong in terms of semantics. In the report Tome Pires (1513) mentioned that that the capital of the kingdom of Sunda was named "Dayo" (dayeuh) and is located in a mountainous area, a two-day trip from the port at the mouth of the Ciliwung Kalapa. The name "Dayo" he heard from residents or magnifying Piers Kalapa. So clearly, the Port Kalapa use the word "dayeuh" (instead of "ferns") when it intends to call the capital. In everyday conversation, used the word "dayeuh", whereas in literature used "ferns" to refer to the capital of the kingdom.
For practical purposes, the following notes used "Pakuan" for the name of the capital and "Pajajaran" on behalf of the state, such as the habits of the people of West Java today.

Origins of formation of the city of Bogor.

Kota Bogor is a city in West Java province and is located adjacent to the city. In contrast to existing cities, the city of Bogor is located is in the middle of the district so that it becomes the center of Bogor Bogor region.

Perhaps, people often hear that the city is known as the city of Bogor Rain because it is in fact the city is often experienced rain or have a high rainfall. Due to these circumstances often Bogor city is considered as the cause of flooding in the capital or in Jakarta however, the actual city of Bogor is a region that is located in the highlands so when it rained the water flows into the lower plains, but because it has reduced water catchment areas then Jakarta often experience flooding.

In addition to its uniqueness as a city that is often rains, it turns out the city of Bogor also save a lot of history, including the origins of the formation of the city of Bogor.

According to historians, it was said in antiquity Bogor is home to the Hindu kingdom Tarumanegara ie in the 5th century. Besides other kingdoms also started to be built in this area as was once the city of Bogor is a city that is very quiet and also prevented by a number of hills and mountains that is believed to be safe from enemy attack.

One of the other kingdoms that was present in the Bogor region is the Kingdom of Sunda with administrative capital Pakuan or Padjadjaran. At the time of the Sunda kingdom led by Prabu Siliwangi is also known as Sri Baduga coronation of Maharaja inaugurated on 3 June and that date until now used as the birthday of the city of Bogor. This is evidenced by the discovery of many inscriptions said to have supernatural powers and thus preserved as a form of historical evidence.

In addition to his kingdom known for its history, the city of Bogor is also known by the colonial history of the Netherlands or in the Dutch colonial era. When it Bogor is planned to be made as a perisitirahatan the Dutch General that the Governor-General Gustaaf Willem Baron van Imhoff to build and be built anyway Bogor Palace Road Deandless connecting Batavia (Jakarta) with the city of Bogor. In addition when the Dutch occupied areas of Bogor, they begin to unify the regions in Bogor and Puncak is also named as Biitenzorg which means a safe or peaceful.

Not only that, after the Dutch troops gave up and left Bogor. The start of the British came and master Bogor under the leadership of Governor Raffles renovating Bogor Palace yard into the Botanical Gardens. Raffles is also the person who first discovered the presence of carrion flowers when an expedition along with local residents Bogor.

Earlier on when the government of Japan, Bogor crash however, it all came back after the Japanese were defeated by the Netherlands and began to do the construction. Along with the development era and the independence of Indonesia was retaken, Bogor laid out and assigned administrative area until now.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: 17 April 2016 at 09:53
Tag : History, Bogor.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 09:53:00