Tuesday 26 April 2016

Pangeran Antasari history.

Pangeran Antasari.
He was born in Wood Tangi, Banjar, Banjar regency, South Kalimantan Province, in 1797 or 1809 and died in Bayan Begok, North Barito regency, Central Kalimantan Province, October 11, 1862 at the age of 53 years. He is a National Hero of Indonesia. As a prince, he was concerned that chaos Banjar Sultanate witnessed the intervention of the Dutch in the empire even greater. The popular movements arose in the interior Banjar. Pangeran Antasari was sent to investigate the movements of the people who are restive.

He died of lung disease and smallpox in inland river Barito, Central Kalimantan. Its skeleton was moved to Banjarmasin and reburied at the War Memorial Park North Banjar Banjarmasin, Banjarmasin. His struggle was continued by his son Sultan Muhammad Seman and Marjkubumi Panembahan Young (Prince Muhammad Said) and his grandson Prince Perbatasari (Sultan Muda) and Queen Zaleha.

On March 14, 1862, he was named as the head of the supreme government in Banjar Sultanate (Sultan Banjar) to hold the title of Panembahan Amiruddin Khalifa Mukminin front of the Dayak chiefs and dukes (governor) ruler of the hamlet of Upper Kapuas and Kahayan namely Hero Member Soerapatti / Hero Member Yang Pati Jaya Raja.

Pangeran Antasari pedigree.

As a young man his name is Inu Kartapati Gusti. Pangeran Antasari father was Prince Masohut (Mas'ud), son of Prince Amir bin Sultan Muhammad Aminullah. His mother Gusti Hadijah binti Sultan Sulaiman. Pangeran Antasari has a younger sister named Queen Antasari / queen who married Sultan Muda Sultan Abdurrahman but die first before giving descent. Pangeran Antasari is not only regarded as the leader of Banjar Tribe, he is also a leader Ngaju tribe, Maanyan, Lunch, Sihong, Kutai, Sand, Murung, Bakumpai and some other tribes living in the area and inland or along the Barito River.

After Sultan Hidayatullah deceived by first hostage Dutch queen Siti (mother of Prince Hidayatullah) and then exiled to Cianjur, the struggle of the people of Banjar also proceed by Pangeran Antasari. As one of the leaders of the people of dedication as well as a cousin of the heir to the Sultanate of Banjar. To strengthen his position as supreme leader of the struggle of Muslims in the northern part of Banjar (Muara Teweh and vicinity), then on March 14, 1862, to coincide with the 13 Ramadan 1278 Hijri, starting with the call:
 Dead live for God and for God! "
All the people, fighters, the clergy and nobles Banjar; unanimously raised Pangeran Antasari be "Panembahan Amiruddin Khalifa of the Faithful", ie government leaders, warlords and religious leaders supreme.

There is no reason for Pangeran Antasari to stop fighting, he must accept the position entrusted by Prince Hidayatullah him and determined to carry out their duties with a sense of responsibility fully to God and the people.

Resistance to the Netherlands.

Lanting parapet sort of armored vehicles in the Barito river floating in the battle near the island of Celebes Boat Kanamit, North Barito Banjar War broke out when Pangeran Antasari with 300 soldiers attacked the Dutch-owned colliery in Pengaron April 25, 1859. Furthermore, the battle for the sake of war dipkomandoi Prince antasari worldwide Banjar Kingdom territory. Aided by the commander and his faithful followers, Pangeran Antasari attacked Dutch posts in Martapura, Upper River, Riam Kanan, Tanah Laut, Tabalong, along the Barito river to Puruk Cahu.

Increasingly fierce battle raging between the forces of the Faithful Khalifa with Dutch forces, continued in various fields. Dutch troops were supported by reinforcements from Batavia and modern weaponry, finally succeeded continue Khalifah forces. And finally Khalifah moved the defenses in Muara Teweh.

Many times the Dutch persuaded Pangeran Antasari to surrender, but he remained on pendirinnya. This is reflected in his letter addressed to Lieutenant Colonel Gustave Verspijck in Banjarmasin, dated July 20, 1861.
 .... We unequivocally explain to you: We do not agree to the proposal for mercy and we strive continuously demanded the right to inheritance (independence) "
In war, the Dutch never offered a reward to anyone who is able to capture and kill Pangeran Antasari in exchange for 10,000 guilders. But until the war is finished no one would accept this offer. After struggling in the midst of the people, Pangeran Antasari later died in the midst of his troops without ever giving up, caught, let alone be fooled by persuasion Netherlands on October 11, 1862 at Kampung Tanah Bayan Begok, Sampirang, at the age of approximately 75 years. Before he died he exposed lung disease and smallpox he suffered in the aftermath of the battle under the foot of Mount Bagantung, Tundakan.

Pangeran Antasari tomb.

After being buried for approximately 91 years in the headwaters of the Barito river, over the wishes of the people of Banjar and family approval, on 11 November 1958 removal of Pangeran Antasari framework. That are still intact are the bones of the skull, kneecap and a few strands of hair. This framework then reburied Complex Banjar War Hero Cemetery, Village surgi Mufti, Banjarmasin.

The tomb complex Pangeran Antasari.

If Pangeran Antasari has always stressed that the "Haram Surrender" to the enemy, then should this enlightenment we can make for ourselves. Could we encourage ourselves with the spirit of "Haram Surrender" to poverty, injustice, or whatever we want to achieve! Sometimes the word spirit and desires of the self, is not impossible that this could be an addition to the power to ourselves in achieving what we want-that is certainly a noble goal.

Pangeran Antasari has been awarded the title of National Hero and independence by the Republic of Indonesia by Decree No. 06 / TK / 1968 in Jakarta, dated March 23, 1968. Name Antasari immortalized in Korem 101 / Antasari and the nickname for South Kalimantan Bumi Antasari. Then to introduce P. Antasari to the national society, the Government through the Bank Indonesia (BI) has scored and perpetuate the name and image Pangeran Antasari in nominal Rp 2,000 banknotes.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: 26 April 2016 at 19:21
Tag : Pangeran Antasari.
Bambang Sunarno
www.history.com Updated at: 19:21:00

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