Showing posts with label About President Soekarno.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label About President Soekarno.. Show all posts

Tuesday 26 April 2016

About President Soekarno.

President Soekarno speech.
Dr. (H.C.) Ir. H. Soekarno (ER, EYD: Sukarno, the name was born: Koesno Sosrodihardjo) (born in Surabaya, East Java, June 6, 1901 - died in Jakarta, June 21, 1970, is the first Indonesian president who served during the period 1945 to 1966:
He played a key role in liberating the nation Indonesia from Dutch colonial rule. He was proclaimed the Independence of Indonesia (along with Mohammad Hatta) that occurred on August 17, 1945. Sukarno was first coined the concept of Pancasila as the state of Indonesia and he himself called it.
Sukarno signed the Decree of March 11, 1966 Supersemar controversial content is based upon the version issued by the Army Headquarters commissioned Lieutenant-General Suharto to secure and maintain the security of the country and the institution of the presidency. Supersemar the basis of Lieutenant-General Suharto to dissolve the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) and replace the members who sit in parliament. Having rejected accountable Provisional People's Consultative Assembly (MPRS) at a public hearing to four in 1967, Sukarno was dismissed from his post as president of the Special Session MPRS in the same year and Suharto succeeded him as acting President of the Republic of Indonesia.


When born, Soekarno Kusno the name given by his parents. But because he was often sick, when she was eleven name was changed to Soekarno by his father. The name comes from a warlord in the story of Bharata Yudha namely Karna. The name "Karna" to "Karno" because in the Java language letter "a" changed to "o" while the prefix "su" means "good".
At a later date when he became president, the spelling of the name Sukarno Sukarno was replaced by himself into because he thinks that name using the spelling colonizers (the Netherlands). He still uses the name of Sukarno in his signature because the signature is a signature that is listed in the text of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence should not be changed, but it is not easy to change the signature after the age of 50 years. The term familiar to Soekarno was Bung Karno.

Achmed Sukarno.

In some Western countries, the name is sometimes written Soekarno Achmed Sukarno. This happens because when Sukarno was first visit to the United States, a number of journalists to wonder, "Who's maiden name Sukarno?" because they do not understand the habits of most people in Indonesia who only uses one name or surname.
Achmed Sukarno mention that name got when Hajj. In some other versions, giving the name mentioned in front of the name Achmed Sukarno, carried out by Muslim diplomats from Indonesia who are conducting foreign missions in an attempt to gain recognition of the sovereignty of Indonesia by the Arab countries.
In the book Bung Karno mouthpiece Rakyat Indonesia (translation Syamsu Hadi. Ed. Rev. 2011. Yogyakarta: Media Pressindo, and Bung Karno Foundation, ISBN 979-911-032-7-9) page 32 explained that the name is simply "Sukarno" N , because in Indonesian society is not an unusual thing to have a name that consists of the word.

Childhood and adolescence.

Sukarno was born with a father named Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and his mother is Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. The two met when Raden Soekemi who is a teacher in an elementary school placed Natives in Singaraja, Bali. Nyoman Rai is the royal line of Balinese and Hindu, while Raden Soekemi themselves Muslim. They already had a daughter named Sukarmini before Sukarno was born.
When small Soekarno lived with his grandfather, Raden Hardjokromo in Tulung Agung, East Java.
He attended the first time in Tulung until he moved to Mojokerto, her parents were stationed in the city. In Mojokerto, her father Sukarno enter into Eerste inlandse School, the school where he worked. Then in June 1911 Sukarno moved to Europeesche Lagere School (ELS) to make it easier to be accepted in Hogere Burger School (HBS). In 1915, Sukarno had completed his education at the ELS and managed to continue to HBS in Surabaya, East Java. It can be accepted at HBS on the help of a friend of his father who named H.O.S. Tjokroaminoto. Tjokroaminoto even gave shelter to Soekarno in the dormitory residence. In Surabaya, Sukarno many met with leaders of the SI, the organization led Tjokroaminoto then, as Alimin, Musso, Dharsono, Haji Agus Salim and Abdul Muis. Soekarno then active in youth organizations Tri Koro Dharmo formed as an organization of Budi Utomo. The organization's name and then he changed into Jong Java (Java Youth) in 1918. In addition, Sukarno also writes in the daily "Oetoesan Indies" led by Tjokroaminoto.

Graduated HBS Soerabaja July 1921, together with Djoko Asmo mates forces at HBS, Sukarno continued to Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng (now ITB) in Bandung majoring in civil engineering in 1921, two months after he left college, but in 1922 register back and graduated in 1926. Sukarno passed the test engineer on May 25, 1926 and on the 6th Anniversary TH Bandung on July 3, 1926 he graduated along with eighteen other engineers. Prof. Clay Jacob, chairman of the faculty at the time said "Especially important event for us because there are among them 3 engineers Javanese". They are Soekarno, Anwari, and Soetedjo, besides there is a more than Minahasa namely Alexander Henricus Johannes Ondang.
While in Bandung, Soekarno lived in the residence of Haji Sanusi who is a member of the SI and sidekick Tjokroaminoto. There he interacted with Ki Hajar Dewantara, Cipto Mangunkusumo, and Dr. Douwes Dekker, who was then the leader of the organization Indische Party.

As the architect.

Bung Karno was the first president of Indonesia, which is also known as the architect of the alumni of the Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng (now ITB) in Bandung majoring in civil engineering and graduated in 1926.

Employment and Work in the Field of Architecture.

Ir. Sukarno in 1926 founded the firm together engineers Ir. Anwari, a lot of work on the building design. Furthermore, together with Ir. Rooseno also design and build houses and other types of buildings.
When discarded in Bengkulu took time to design some houses and renovate total mosque Jami 'in the city center.

Against the influence of Architectural Work During Become President.
President Soekarno reviewing the readiness of the Bung Karno to the Indonesian nation to be aligned with other nations.
During his Presidency, there are some architectural works that influenced or triggered by Sukarno. Also traveling in the marathon from May to July in 1956 to the countries of USA, Canada, Italy, West Germany, and Switzerland. Creating a natural horizon thought Sukarno increasingly rich in Indonesia holistically organize and display it as a newly independent country.
Jakarta Soekarno aim as the face (to face) Indonesia related to several international-scale events held in the city, but also a city planning from the outset to be expected as the central government in the future. Some works are influenced by Sukarno or on the orders and coordination with several architects such as Frederich Silaban and R.M. Sudarsono, assisted several junior architect for visualization.
Some of the architectural design was also created through the contest.
Masjid Istiqlal 1951
National Monument in 1960
building Conefo
Sarinah building
Wisma Nusantara
Hotel Indonesia 1962
Welcome Monument
West Irian Liberation Monument
Dirgantara statue
1955 Ir. Soekarno pilgrimage to the Holy Land and as an architect, Sukarno moved Architectural ideas contributed to the Saudi government in order to make the building to perform sa'i into two paths in the two-storey building. The Saudi government eventually doing renovations Haram massively in 1966, including the creation of raised floor for the people who carry out sa'i into two lanes and a raised floor to perform tawaf
The design scheme of Urban Spatial Palangkaraya which was inaugurated in 1957.

Gait politics.
The period of the national movement.

Soekarno first became famous when he became a member of Jong Java Surabaya branch in 1915. For Sukarno nature of the organization that is Java-centric and only think of culture alone is a challenge. In the annual plenary meeting held Jong Java Surabaya branch Soekarno tumultuous session with a speech using the Java language ngoko (rough). A month later he sparked heated debate by suggesting that Jong Java newspaper published in Malay only, and not in Dutch.
In 1926, Sukarno founded the General Study Club (ASC) in Bandung, which is the result of inspiration from Indonesische Studie Club Dr. Soetomo. This organization became the forerunner of the Indonesian National Party which was founded in 1927. Activities in PNI caused Sukarno was arrested Netherlands on December 29, 1929 in Yogyakarta and Bandung moved to the next day, for Banceuy thrown into prison. In 1930 he was transferred to the court Landraad Sukamiskin and Bandung December 18, 1930 he read his defense plea phenomenal Indonesia Sues, until freed again on December 31, 1931.
In July 1932, Sukarno joined the Party of Indonesia (Partindo), which is a fraction of the PNI. Sukarno was re-arrested in August 1933, and was exiled to Flores. Here, Soekarno almost forgotten by the national figures. But its spirit is still smoldering as implied in every letter to a teacher named Ahmad Hasan Islamic Union.
In 1938 until 1942 Sukarno was exiled to the province of Bengkulu.
Returning Soekarno-free during the Japanese rule in 1942.

Japanese colonial period.

At the beginning of the Japanese occupation (1942-1945), the Japanese government had not noticed movement figures Indonesia mainly to "secure" its presence in Indonesia. It looks at the movement of the characters 3A with Shimizu and Mr. Shamsuddin less so popular.
But ultimately, the Japanese occupation government to pay attention and simultaneously utilize Indonesian figures like Sukarno, Mohammad Hatta, and others in any organizations and institutions to attract the hearts of the Indonesian people. Mentioned in various organizations such as Java Hokokai, Center for the People's Power (Putera), BPUPKI and PPKI, prominent figures such as Sukarno, Hatta, Ki Hajar Dewantara, K.H. Mas Mansyur, and others mentioned and seen so active. And finally the national figures cooperate with the Japanese occupation government to achieve the independence of Indonesia, although some are forced underground as Sutan Sjahrir and Amir Syarifuddin because they think Japan is a dangerous fascist.
President Sukarno, when reading the text of the opening speech before the proclamation of independence, saying that even though we cooperate with Japan in fact we believe and trust and rely on its own strength.
He was active in preparations for Indonesian independence, among which are formulated Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, and the fundamental basis of the Indonesian government, including formulating the text of the proclamation of Independence. He was persuaded to step aside to Rengasdengklok.
In 1943, Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo invited leaders Indonesia that Sukarno, Mohammad Hatta and Ki Bagus Hadikusumo to Japan and was received by Emperor Hirohito. Even the emperor gives Star Empire (Holy Ratna) to the three Indonesian leaders. The awarding of the star makes the Japanese occupation government was surprised, because it means that the three figures Indonesia was considered the imperial family of Japan itself. In August 1945, he was invited by Marshal Terauchi, the Army leadership in the Southeast Asia region Dalat Vietnam who later stated that the proclamation of independence of Indonesia is the Indonesian people themselves.
But his involvement in the bodies established by the Japanese organization to make Sukarno was accused by the Netherlands in cooperation with Japan, among others, in the case of romusha.

Revolutionary War period.

Soekarno with the national leaders started to prepare for the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia. After hearing Committee for Preparatory Work for Indonesian Independence BPUPKI, Committee for Small consisting of eight people (official), Committee for Small consisting of nine persons / Committee of Nine (which resulted in the Jakarta Charter) and the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence PPKI, Soekarno-Hatta establish Negara Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
After seeing Marshal Terauchi in Dalat, Vietnam, Rengasdengklok incident happened on August 16, 1945; Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta were persuaded by the youth hostel escape to Homeland Defense forces Rengasdengklok map. Youth leaders who persuaded among others Soekarni, Wikana, Singgih and Saleh. The youths demanded that Sukarno and Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence soon, because in Indonesia occurred vacuum of power. This is because the Japanese had surrendered and the Allied forces had not arrived. But Sukarno, Hatta and leaders refused on the grounds waiting for clarity regarding the surrender of Japan. Another reason is the growing Soekarno establish the right moment for the independence of Indonesia that was chosen on 17 August 1945 when it coincides with Ramadan, the Muslim holy month that is believed to be the revelation of the first month of the Muslims to the Prophet Mohammed Al Qur-an. On August 18, 1945, Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta PPKI be appointed by the President and the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. On August 29, 1945 the appointment to be president and vice president confirmed by KNIP. On September 19, 1945 Soekarno authority can complete without bloodshed events Ikada Stadium where 200,000 people of Jakarta will clash with Japanese troops were still armed.
On arrival the Allies (AFNEI) led by Lt-Gen. Sir Philip Christison, Christison finally recognized Indonesian sovereignty de facto after a meeting with the President. President Soekarno was also trying to resolve the crisis in Surabaya. However, due to the provocation launched by forces NICA (Netherlands) bum Allies (under the British), burst Event 10 November 1945 in Surabaya and the death of Brigadier General A.W.S Mallaby.
Because many provocations in Jakarta at the time, the President finally move the capital of the Republic of Indonesia from Jakarta to Yogyakarta. Followed vice president and other senior state officials.

Position the President according to the 1945 Constitution is the position of the President as the head of government and head of state (presidential / executive single). During the revolution, the government system turns into a semi-presidential or executive double. President Sukarno as Head of State and Sutan Sjahrir as Prime Minister / Head of Government. It happened because the No. X edict vice president, and the government edict in November 1945 on political parties. It is taken to the Republic of Indonesia is considered a more democratic country.
Although the system of government changed, at the time of the revolution, the position of the President remains the most important, especially in the face of Madiun in 1948 and when the Dutch Military Aggression II, which led to the President, Vice-President Mohammad Hatta and a number of state officials arrested Netherlands. Although there have been Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (Emergency) with chairman Sjafruddin Prawiranegara, but in fact the international and domestic situation still acknowledge that Soekarno-Hatta is the real leader of Indonesia, only policies that can resolve the dispute between Indonesia and the Netherlands.

Independence period.

After Recognition of Sovereignty (Dutch Government mentions as a handover of Sovereignty), the President appointed as President of the Republic of Indonesia (RIS) and Mohammad Hatta was appointed prime minister of RIS. The President of the Republic of Indonesia submitted to Mr Assaat, which became known as the Java-Yogya RI. However, due to the demands of all the people of Indonesia who want to return to a unitary state, then on August 17, 1950, RIS again changed to the Republic of Indonesia and the President became President. The mandate of Mr Assaat as acting President handed back to Ir. Sukarno. The official position of the President is the constitutional president, but in fact government policy made after consulting him.
Myth Dwitunggal Soekarno-Hatta quite popular and stronger among the people than the head of government the prime minister. The rise and fall of the cabinet known as the "cabinet whole corn" to make the President less trusting multiparty system, even calling it a "disease of the party". Not infrequently, he also intervene to mediate conflicts in the military has also affected the rise and fall of the cabinet. As events of October 17, 1952 and the events in the Air Force.
President Sukarno also provides many ideas in the international world. Concern over the fate of the peoples of Asia and Africa, are still not independent, yet have the right to self-determination, causing the president Sukarno, in 1955, took the initiative to convene the Asian-African Conference in Bandung, which produces Ten Principles of Bandung. Known as the Bandung Asian-African Capital. Inequality and conflict due to a "time bomb" left by western countries who stamped still concerned imperialism and colonialism, inequality and fears of the emergence of a nuclear war that changed civilization, injustice international bodies in conflict resolution is also a concern. Together with President Tito (Yugoslavia), Gamal Abdel Nasser (Egypt), Mohammad Ali Jinnah (Pakistan), U Nu, (Burma) and Jawaharlal Nehru (India) he held the Asian-African Conference that led to the Non-Aligned Movement. Thanks to its services, many Asian and African countries that gained independence. But unfortunately, there are still many who experience prolonged conflict until today because of injustice in problem solving, which is still controlled by powerful countries or a superpower. Thanks to these services as well, many residents of the region of Africa that does not forget the Sukarno when remembered or knew would be Indonesia.
To carry out an independent foreign policy-active in the international arena, the President visited many countries and met with leaders of the country. Among them was Nikita Khruschev (USSR), John Fitzgerald Kennedy (United States), Fidel Castro (Cuba), Mao Tse Tung (PRC).

Period of distress.

Sukarno, Indonesia's first president, at least once experienced an assassination attempt more than one occasion, his daughter, Megawati Soekarnoputri never mentions the number 23. "I want to take a concrete example, the President had suffered attempted murder of a level of a new name until the execution plan (as much) 23 times, "said Mega in July 2009. Meanwhile, the smaller out of the mouth Sudarto Danusubroto. He presidential aide in the final period of Sukarno. Sudarto never said there 7 times an assassination attempt against Sukarno. This amount ever agreed by the former Deputy Commander Cakrabirawa Colonel Maulwi Saelan. But former bodyguard, only able to remember 7 attempts attempted murder.

Cikini grenades.

On November 30, 1957, the President came to Perguruan Cikini (Percik), a school for their child, in order to celebrate the 15th anniversary Percik. Grenade suddenly exploded in the middle of the welcoming party president. Nine people were killed, 100 people were injured, including the presidential guard. Sukarno himself along with her son and daughter survived. Three people were arrested as a result of the incident. They overseas from Bima accused of being a stooge of terror movement DI / TII.

The shooting of the Presidential Palace.

On March 9, 1960, the Right daylight presidential palace snapped by explosions coming from gun fire from 23 mm Mig-17 aircraft piloted by Daniel Maukar. Maukar was Lt. AU who have been affected Permesta. Kanon dropped Maukar hit a pillar and one of them fell not far from Soekarno work desk. Fortunately Soekarno was not there. Sukarno was leading a meeting in the building next to the Presidential Palace. (Maukar himself denied he tried to kill Sukarno. The action is just a warning. Before shooting the Presidential Palace, he was sure did not see the yellow flag was raised at the presidential palace in the Palace marks). This action makes 'Tiger', call sign Maukar, have languished in jail for 8 years.

Rajamandala interception.

In April 1960, the Prime Minister at the time of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev a state visit to Indonesia. He took time to visit Bandung, Yogyakarta and Bali. President Soekarno accompanied him on a trip to West Java. When, reached the bridge Rajamandala, turns a group of DI / TII deterrence. Lucky presidential guards swiftly passed the two world leaders.

Grenades Makassar.

On January 7, 1962, President Soekarno was in Makassar. That evening, he will attend an event at the Sports Hall Mattoangin. That's when the current through the streets of Paradise, someone threw a grenade. The grenade missed, fell on another car. Sukarno survived. The culprit Latuperissa Sergeant Marcus and Ida Bagus Surya Tenaya sentenced to death.

Shooting Eid al-Adha.

On May 14, 1962, Bachrum very happy when it managed to get seated in the front ranks in the assembly line of Eid al-Adha prayers at Masjid Baiturahim. One look at Soekarno, he drew a pistol hidden under his jacket, and then muzzle directed to the Soekarno body. In the split second when it hit me, the direction was off, and the bullet missed Soekarno body, grazed House Speaker GR KH Zainul Arifin. Haji Bachrum sentenced to death, but she later received clemency.

Kahar Muzakar shooting mortars.

In the 1960s, President Sukarno in a working visit to Sulawesi. While on his way out of Airfield Mandai, a mortar shell was fired subordinates Muzakkar Kahar. Bung Karno vehicle at him, but it was missed by far. Sukarno once again, congratulations.

Cimanggis grenades.

In December 1964, President Soekarno on the way from Bogor to Jakarta. Entourage formed a convoy of vehicles. In the vehicle speed is slow, eyes Sukarno had argued with an unidentified man on the roadside. Soekarno feeling less comfortable. Sure enough, the man threw a grenade toward the president's car. Luckily, the pitching distance was already beyond the reach of an oncoming car. Sukarno was saved.

Character assassination.

Ceremony of the 21st anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence August 17, 1966 at pages Merdeka Palace in Jakarta. Speech of the President at the ceremony titled Never Occasionally Leaving History (JASMERAH).

President Soekarno and Dr.J. Leimena sang along with the artists at the reception of the 21st Anniversary Proclamation of Independence at the Bogor Palace.
The 1950s and 1960s, American Central Intelligence Agency through perpanjangtanganannya never cease trying to interfere in any country's affairs of others. In Indonesia, in addition to event discovery missions Allen Pope, there is also a secret mission that aims to kill the character and authority of the President through agitation and propaganda via popular media production of pornographic films, played by actor-like Sukarno. The goal of this smear campaign is to change the perception of the international community against Sukarno's anti-capitalism and admire the Eve but subject helpless under the control of Russian agents.
"That success inspired CIA officials to make a step further. They are intended to produce pornographic films Soekarno with a blonde woman who made as if stewardess Russian," wrote Blum cites the recognition of former CIA agent, Joseph Burkholder Smith, who wrote a book Portrait of a Cold Warrior. Los Angeles Police Chief to intervene looking for a dark-skinned man who bit bald and beautiful blonde woman. Nothing like Sukarno, the CIA made a special mask-like Sukarno then sent to Los Angeles. Porn star Sukarno ordered to wear masks during a nasty scene. CIA record and take photographs of the scene of the blue.
According to J. Kenneth Conboy and James Morrison in the Feet to the Fire: CIA Covert Operations in Indonesia, 1957-1958, worked in the adult film studio operated Hollywood Bing Crosby and his brother. The film is intended to fuel accusations that Sukarno (played male Chicano) embarrass myself by sleeping with Soviet agent (played by blonde Caucasian women) posing as airline stewardess. "The project is to produce at least some of the photos, though apparently never used," writes William Blum in Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II.
But the pictures were finally not be disseminated. Many versions of why the CIA was canceled deploy scenes. Most researchers assessed the campaign as black as it is not immune to overthrow Sukarno. Moreover, there is a myth that believes if a man stout and powerful, legitimate contact with many women. After all the kings of the archipelago also used to have many wives and concubines.
"The final fate of the film, entitled Happy Days, was never reported."

Embargo period superpower.

In pre and post independence, Indonesia pinched on two blocks of a superpower with ideologies that are contrary to one another. Capitalist bloc is led by America and her allies on the one hand, and the left block contested between the shaft of Russia and China. American embargo against Indonesia conduct policy for assessing the likelihood of Sukarno close to block rivals. America can not complain when Allen Lawrence Pope, the Central Intelligence Agency agent caught red-handed. Bargain arrest Allen Pope, the United States finally settled the economic embargo and inject funds into Indonesia, including poured 37 tons of rice and hundreds of weapons needed by Indonesia at the time after the high-level diplomacy between John F. Kennedy with Sukarno. While Russian military embargo against Indonesia applying for genocide against the leftist elements, the Indonesian Communist Party in 1965-1967. Indonesia itself sandwiched between geopolitics of Southeast Asia, Malaysia is considered Sukarno is a British puppet state, is also Singapore's breakaway as the new state on August 9, 1965. Sukarno declared confrontational attitude towards the formation of the Malaysian federation in January 1963. Thus, in 1964-1965 the country Malaysian federation declared 16 September 1963 the embargoed Sukarno. Singapore opened the taps of cooperation and strive by all means to maintain trade with Indonesia despite a boycott and embargo. It is considered detrimental to the economic aspects of Singapore as a result of the confrontation.

Deterioration period.

After the events Supersemar, President Soekarno and Soeharto invited Japanese Emperor's Birthday Reception at the residence of the Ambassador of Japan, 29 April 1966.
Indonesia's political situation became uncertain after six generals were killed in what was known as the September 30th Movement or the G-30 in 1965. The real culprit of these events is controversial although PKI accused of being involved in it. Then the mass of WE (Indonesian Student Action Union) and KAPI (Indonesian Student Action Union) held a demonstration and deliver Tri People's Demands (Tritura) one of the rules request that the PKI was dissolved. However, Sukarno refused to dissolve the PKI because it conflicted with the view Nasakom (Nationalism, Religion, Communism). Sukarno, who refused to disperse attitude PKI then weaken his position in politics.
Five months later, was issued supersemar signed by Sukarno. The contents of the letter is a command to Lt. Gen. Soeharto to take the measures necessary to maintain the security of government and the president's personal safety. The letter was then used by Suharto, who had been appointed commander of the Army to disband PKI and declare it as a banned terrorist organization. Then MPRS also issued two statutes, namely TAP No. IX / 1966 inaugural MPRS Supersemar into TAP and TAP No. XV / 1966 which gives assurance to Soeharto as the holder at any time Supersemar to be president when the president is absent.

Sukarno declared that supersemar to Suharto is a power of attorney, among others, to secure the situation and security conditions, maintain the authority of the president, not the letter of the transfer of power
Sukarno's accountability speech later brought about his attitude towards the G30S affair at the Fourth General Assembly MPRS. The speech was titled "Nawaksara" and was read on June 22, 1966. MPRS Sukarno then asked to complete the speech. Speech "Complementary Nawaskara" was delivered by Soekarno on January 10, 1967 but was later rejected by MPRS on February 16 the same year.
Finally on February 20, 1967 Sukarno signed the Statement Delivery Authority at the Presidential Palace. With the signing of the letter then Suharto became the de facto head of the government of Indonesia. After conducting the Special Session of the MPRS also drew the power of President Soekarno, revoke the title Leader of the Revolution and appointed Soeharto as President until the next elections are held.

Sick to death.

Soekarno health has begun to decline since August 1965. Previously, he has been found suffering from kidney problems and had undergone treatment in Vienna, Austria in 1961 and 1964. Prof. Dr. K. Fellinger of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Vienna suggested that the left kidney Soekarno appointed but he refused and prefer traditional remedies. He survived for 5 years before it finally died on Sunday, June 21, 1970 at Army Hospital (Army Central Hospital) Gatot Subroto, Jakarta with its status as a political prisoner. Soekarno corpse was transferred from the Army Hospital to Yasso guesthouse owned by Ratna Sari Dewi. Before declared dead, a routine inspection of Sukarno was performed by Dr. Mahar Mardjono which is a member of the presidential medical team. A short time later was issued a medical communique signed by the Chairman Prof. Dr. Mahar Mardjono along with Vice Chairman Major General Dr. (TNI) Rubiono Kertopati.
The medical communique stated as follows:
On Saturday, June 20, 1970 20:30 Ir health conditions. Soekarno deteriorating and awareness gradually declined.
Date June 21, 1970 03:50 o'clock in the morning, Ir. Soekarno unconscious and then at 07.00 Ir. Sukarno died.
The team of doctors is constantly trying to overcome the critical situation Ir. Soekarno until his death.
Although Sukarno never requested that he was buried at Slate, Bogor, but President Suharto chose Kota Blitar, East Java, as the burial place of Sukarno. It was determined through Presidential Decree No. 44 1970. The bodies were taken to Blitar Soekarno day after his death and was buried the next morning next to his mother's grave. The funeral of Sukarno led by Armed Forces Commander General M. Panggabean as inspector ceremony. The government then set a seven-day mourning period.


In order to commemorate the 100th birthday Soekarno on June 6, 2001, the Jakarta Philatelic Office issuing stamps "100 Years of Bung Karno". Stamps issued a four stamps background flag and display images of young Sukarno himself up when he became President of the Republic of Indonesia. The first postage stamp has a nominal value of 500 and a portrait of Soekarno at the time of high school. The second worth Rp800 and pictures Sukarno when he was in college in the 1920s emblazoned on it. Meanwhile, the third stamp has a nominal 900 as well as the photo shows Sukarno when the proclamation of independence of Indonesia. Stamps latter has pictures of Sukarno when he became President and bernominal Rp1000. The fourth stamp was designed by Heri Purnomo and printed as many as 2.5 million sets by Peruri. In addition to stamps, philately Division PT Pos Indonesia also publishes five types of packaging stamps, stamp collection album, four types of postcards, two kinds of posters Bung Karno and Bung Karno three T-shirt design.
Postage stamps featuring Soekarno also published by the Cuban government on June 19, 2008. The stamps show images Soekarno and Cuban president Fidel Castro. Issuance coincided with the 80th anniversary of Fidel Castro and the memorial visit of President of Indonesia, Sukarno, to Cuba.
Name Soekarno been immortalized as the name of a sports arena in 1958. The building, which Bung Karno Stadium, was established as a means purposes of the Asian Games IV in 1962 in Jakarta. During the New Order, the sports complex was renamed Gelora Senayan. But according to the decision of President Abdurrahman Wahid, Gelora Senayan back to its original name of Bung Karno Stadium. This is done in order to commemorate the service of Bung Karno.
After his death, several foundations made on behalf of Sukarno. Two of them are Sukarno Educational Foundation and Yayasan Bung Karno. Sukarno Educational Foundation is the organization that sparked the idea to establish a university with the understanding that taught Bung Karno. The foundation is led by Rachmawati soekarnoputri, the third daughter of Sukarno and Fatmawati. In June 25, 1999 President Jusuf Habibie inaugurated Bacharuddin Bung Karno University is officially forward thinking Bung Karno, Nation and Character Building to his students.
Meanwhile, Bung Karno Foundation has a goal to collect and preserve objects of art and belongs nonseni Soekarno scattered in various regions in Indonesia. The Foundation was established on June 1, 1978 by the eight sons and daughters namely Guntur Soekarno Soekarnoputra, Megawati Soekarnoputri, rachmawati soekarnoputri, Sukmawati Soekarnoputri, thunder Soekarnoputra, Typhoon Soekarnoputra, Bayu Soekarnoputra, and Kartika Sari Dewi Sukarno. In 2003, the Foundation opened a booth at the Bung Karno Jakarta Fair Arena. At its booth displayed video Sukarno's speech entitled "Indonesia Sues" delivered at the House Landraad 1930 as well as photographs during the Sukarno becomes president. In addition to showing videos and photos, various souvenirs Soekarno sold at its booth. Among these are the jerseys, a gold watch, gold coins, CDs containing speeches of Sukarno, Sukarno and postcards.

Someone named Soenuso Goroyo Sukarno claimed to own property Soekarno heritage. Soenuso claimed a former sergeant of the Air Defense Artillery Battalion Medium. He never shows objects that are considered as heritage Sukarno told reporters at his house in Cullinan, Bogor. These objects include a slab of pure 24 karat yellow gold which is registered in the register JM London gold, white gold horseshoe stamped JM Mathey London and yellow metal plaque with the inscription old spelling form of deposits grants. There are also money UBCN (Brazil) and Yugoslavia as well as certificates of deposit guaranty bonds in Swiss Bank and Bank Netherland. Although gold is shown by a certified Soenuso but there are no experts who ensure the authenticity of the gold.


During his life, Soekarno get honorary doctorates from 26 universities at home and abroad. Universities in the country that give an honorary degree to Soekarno including the University of Gajah Mada (19 September 1951), Institut Teknologi Bandung (13 September 1962), the University of Indonesia (February 2, 1963), Universitas Hasanuddin (25 April 1963), the State Islamic Institute Jakarta (December 2, 1963), Universitas Padjadjaran (December 23, 1964), and the University of Muhammadiyah (August 1, 1965). Meanwhile, Columbia University (USA), the University of Berlin and the University of Heidelberg (June 18, 1956, Germany), the University of Lomonosov (Russia) and the University of Al-Azhar (Egypt) are some of the foreign universities that gave Sukarno with the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa.
In April 2005, Sukarno who had been dead for 35 years to get the award from South African President Thabo Mbeki. The award is a first class star award The Order of the Supreme Companions of OR Tambo is awarded in the form of medals, pins, sticks, and badges that are all coated with gold. Soekarno get the award because it was judged to have developed the sake of international solidarity against oppression by the developed countries and has been the inspiration for the people of South Africa in the fight against the occupation and liberate themselves from apartheid. The award ceremony was held at the Presidential Office Union Buildings in Pretoria and attended by Megawati Sukarnoputri who represented his father in accepting the award. Other awards Adipurna Mahaputera Star (1959), Lenin Peace Prize (1960), Philippine Legion of Honor (Chief Commander, February 3, 1951).
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: 23 April 2016 at 10:29
Tag : President Soekarno.
Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:29:00