Tuesday 26 April 2016

History President Soeharto.

Presiden Soeharto.
Suharto was the second President of the Republic of Indonesia. He was born in Kemusuk, Yogyakarta, June 8, 1921. His father was a farmer named Kertosudiro well as auxiliary irrigation headman in the village, while his mother was named Sukirah.

Soeharto to go to school when eight years old, but frequently moved. Originally schooled in Village School (SD) Tens, Godean. Then move to SD Pedes, because her mother and her husband, Mr. Pramod moved house, to Kemusuk Kidul. However, Mr. Kertosudiro then move it to Wuryantoro. Suharto left at home his sister who was married to Prawirowihardjo, a paramedic farmer.

Until finally selected to be an exemplary soldier in NCO School, Gombong, Central Java in 1941. He officially became members of the military on October 5, 1945. In 1947, Suharto was married to Siti Hartinah child Mangkunegaran employee.

Lieutenant Colonel Suharto marriage and Siti Hartinah be held on December 26, 1947 in Solo. At that time the age of 26 years and Hartinah Suharto 24 years. They had six sons and daughters; Siti Hardiyanti Hastuti, Sigit Harjojudanto, Bambang Trihatmodjo, Siti Hediati Herijadi, Tommy Suharto and SITI HUTAMI ENDANG ADININGSIH.

Great General H.M. Soeharto had walked a long way in the military and political career. In the military, Pak Harto start of KNIL army sergeant, then commander of PETA, commander of the regiment with the rank of Major and battalion commander Lieutenant Colonel.

In 1949, he successfully led his troops recaptured the city of Yogyakarta on hand when the Dutch colonizers. He was also a Guard Commander Sudirman. In addition it was also the Commander of Mandala (liberation of West Irian).

October 1, 1965, erupted G-30-S / PKI. Suharto took over the leadership of the Army. Besides confirmed as Army Commander, General Soeharto appointed as Pangkopkamtib by President Soekarno. March 1966, General Suharto received the Decree of March 11 of President Soekarno. His job, restore security and order and safeguard the teachings of the Leader of the Revolution Bung Karno.

Because of the deteriorating political situation after the outbreak of the G-30-S / PKI, MPRS Special Session, March 1967, appointed Soeharto as Acting President, was confirmed as President Secondly, March 1968. Soeharto ruled for more than three decades passed six times Elections until he resigned, May 21, 1998.

RI resident Both HM Soeharto died at 13:10 pm Sunday, January 27, 2008. Great General Assembly which was awarded the honor as the Father of National Development, it died at the age of 87 years after being treated for 24 days (from 4 to January 27, 2008) in the Hospital central Pertamina (RSPP), Jakarta.

News of the death of Pak Harto was first informed of Kebayoran Baru police chief, Commissioner. Dicky Sonandi, in Jakarta, Sunday (27/1). Then formally presidential medical team delivered a press release about the death of Pak Harto promptly at 13:10 pm Sunday, January 27, 2008 in Jakarta RSPP due to multi organ failure.

Then, at approximately 14:40, the body of former President Suharto ordered the launch of PCH toward the residence on Jalan Cendana number 8, Menteng, Jakarta. Ambulances carrying the bodies of Pak Harto a number of vehicles accompanied by family and friends and bodyguards. A number of journalists pushed closer when the convoy was moving towards Jalan Cendana, resulting in a television journalist hit.

Along the way Tanjung and Jalan Cendana thousands of people welcomed the arrival of the accompaniment of the vehicle carrying the bodies of Pak Harto. Sobs broke so residents series of vehicles that brought the corpse of former President Soeharto entering Jalan Cendana, approximately at 14:55, Sunday (27/1).

Meanwhile, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, accompanied by Vice President Jusuf Kalla and a number of ministers who are following a limited cabinet meeting on food security, taking hold a press conference for 3 minutes and 28 seconds at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, Sunday (27/1). The President expressed deep condolences over the death of former President Both Haji Muhammad Suharto.

Biography of President Soeharto.

Suharto was the second President of the Republic of Indonesia. He was born in Kemusuk, Yogyakarta, June 8, 1921. His father was a farmer named Kertosudiro well as auxiliary irrigation headman in the village, while his mother was named Sukirah. Soeharto to go to school when eight years old, but frequently moved. Originally schooled in Village School (SD) Tens, Godean. Then move to SD Pedes, because her mother and her husband, Mr. Pramod moved house, to Kemusuk Kidul. However, Mr. Kertosudiro then move it to Wuryantoro. Suharto left at home his sister who was married to Prawirowihardjo, a paramedic farmer.

Until finally selected to be an exemplary soldier in NCO School, Gombong, Central Java in 1941. He officially became members of the military on October 5, 1945. In 1947, Suharto was married to Siti Hartinah child Mangkunegaran employee.

Lieutenant Colonel Suharto marriage and Siti Hartinah be held on December 26, 1947 in Solo. At that time the age of 26 years and Hartinah Suharto 24 years. They had six sons and daughters; Siti Hardiyanti Hastuti, Sigit Harjojudanto, Bambang Trihatmodjo, Siti Hediati Herijadi, Tommy Suharto and SITI HUTAMI ENDANG ADININGSIH.

Great General H.M. Soeharto had walked a long way in the military and political career. In the military, Pak Harto start of KNIL army sergeant, then commander of PETA, commander of the regiment with the rank of Major and battalion commander Lieutenant Colonel.

In 1949, he successfully led his troops recaptured the city of Yogyakarta on hand when the Dutch colonizers. He was also a Guard Commander Sudirman. In addition it was also the Commander of Mandala (liberation of West Irian).

October 1, 1965, erupted G-30-S / PKI. Suharto took over the leadership of the Army. Besides confirmed as Army Commander, General Soeharto appointed as Pangkopkamtib by President Soekarno. March 1966, General Suharto received the Decree of March 11 of President Soekarno. His job, restore security and order and safeguard the teachings of the Leader of the Revolution Bung Karno.

Because of the deteriorating political situation after the outbreak of the G-30-S / PKI, MPRS Special Session, March 1967, appointed Soeharto as Acting President, was confirmed as President Secondly, March 1968. Soeharto ruled for more than three decades passed six times Elections until he resigned, May 21, 1998.

After being treated for 24 days at Pertamina Hospital, South Jakarta, former President Suharto finally died on Sunday, January 27, 2006). Suharto died at 13:10 noon at the age of 87 years.

Complete History Journey of Life and Sovereignty Soeharto

Haji Muhammad Suharto, familiarly called Pak Harto, was a big name who led the Republic of Indonesia, for 32 years. An exceptional leadership skills that must be recognized by friends and political opponents (happy or not). He moves with the development strategy of the Development Trilogy (stability, growth and equity). Even had received an award from the FAO on the success of reaching self-sufficiency (1985). Then, when it was no wonder he was awarded the National Development Mr.

However, he eventually had to resign tragically, not solely because of the insistence of student demonstrations (1998), but rather due to the betrayal of aides who previously ABS and ambitious without political fatsoen. When he had resigned, there are rumors. Had Pak Harto heard conscience beloved wife, Ibu Tien Soeharto, supposedly, already suggested it stopped about ten years earlier, kepemimpinnya definitely not end up with a variety of insults that cornered as if he'd never do good for the nation and country.

He was like a lost 'inspiration' and 'friend accord' after Ibu Tien Soeharto died (Sunday, April 28, 1996). Pak Harto is not the only men who feel this way. Many men (leaders) are actually 'strong' because it supported the presence of his wife. One example, Bill Clinton may have to fall prematurely if it is not supported by his wife, Hillary Clinton.

Pak Harto not immediately find a replacement for his wife. Loneliness as resolved at the instigation of devotion to their state and nation. He spent time in carrying out the arduous task as president. Moreover, some of his aides gave him the report and hopes that encouraged him to stay on as president. In fact, along with his assistant (ministers) BJ Habibie, he can talk for hours. Quite often the staff should provide instant noodle if waiting their meeting.

People still remember this nation. After the 1997 elections and before the General Session, March 1998, aides, among them Harmoko, as Chairman of Golkar, said it would still nominate Soeharto as president from 1998 to 2003. But, precisely on the anniversary of Golkar 33rd October 1997, the HM Soeharto returns the statement to be rechecked: Do people seriously still want to be president?

After a lapse of several months, precisely on January 20, 1998, three leaders of the Golkar family or commonly called Three Line Golkar, the path Golkar / Beringin (Harmoko), lane ABRI (Feisal Tanjung) and bureaucracy (Yogie SM), came to Bina Graha present the results of rechecking wishes of the people in the nomination of Soeharto as President.

At that time they reported to Soeharto. "That turned out to people is only one candidate for President for the period 1998-2003, namely HM Soeharto," said Harmoko announced to the press after the report to Pak Harto. "The majority of the people of Indonesia are still wants Mr. Haji Muhammad Suharto to be nominated as the President's term 1998-2003," said Harmoko who was accompanied by M Yogie SM and General Feisal Tanjung when it was.

According Harmoko, General (Ret) H Muhammad Soeharto, after receiving the results of the checks, said it was willing renominated as President of the tenure 1998-2003. In addition to announcing the willingness of Pak Harto was reelected as President, according Harmoko, Golkar family also establish criteria for candidates for the Vice President, among others understand science and industry. This statement leads to BJ Habibie.

From the results of checks carried out by a large family of Golkar, still according Harmoko, Pak Harto appreciate the confidence of the majority of Indonesian people despite having to sacrifice for the sake of the family. But for the interests of the nation, Haji Muhammad Suharto's impossible to escape from the responsibility as patriots and patriots.

"With the confidence of the people did not make Mr. Haji Muhammad Suharto to be 'high Glanggang colong Playu.' It's a term that means the Pak Harto not leave the responsibility and circumvent the people's trust in the interests of the state and the nation," said Harmoko.

But, it turns out that's the beginning of a tragedy and betrayal rolled decay. HM Soeharto was re-elected president in the period 1998-2003 General Session, March 1 to 11, 1998. Accompanied by BJ Habibie as vice president.

However, the components of students and various community groups continue to launch demonstrations calling on President Soeharto and Vice President BJ Habibie down and Golkar dissolved. At that time, Pak Harto still looks certain that the demonstration would recede in the not too distant. Then in early May 1998, he left for Cairo, Egypt, to attend the non-aligned summit. When leaving, at Halim Perdanakusuma airport, he was released Vice President BJ Habibie, Fangab Feisal Tanjung, also Chief Executive of ICMI Tirto Sudiro and a number of other ministers, some of whom later betrayed him.

Meanwhile, after the death of Pak Harto, a few days later, the increasingly tense atmosphere of Jakarta. Besides the student demonstrations are increasing, also gets around the issue there is something of mystery in the security forces. The mystery tinged directions grouping militaries. In addition to many pro demikrasi 'lost' somewhere, is also rumored to thousands of military members 'disappearing' of unity memembawa panoply and extra ammunition.

"What is actually happening in Indonesia, is a big question mark that must be resolved. Whether a power game is being played in Indonesia? Who is playing with armed groups, as well as how to map the strength of civil movements? Is something that must be analyzed together, "wrote a magazine at the time. Some of the questions that to this day remain a mystery.

The atmosphere more tense, on May 12, 1998, due to the shooting of students at Trisakti University, which became known as the Trisakti tragedy. Four students killed. Students getting 'angry'. Almost across campus demonstrations. Even some coming out of college. At the same time, there was a burning car around the parking lot near Trisakti University.

In fact, May 13, 1998, students like lured to come out of the campus. The situation at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Jakarta is precisely to invite a question mark. There was a group of demonstrators who pelted the students in the campus because they are not out of the campus. The students remain on campus in mourning.

The next day, May 14, 1998, there was havoc in Jakarta. Citizens of Chinese descent were targeted. Shops and shopping centers burned. At that time, as Jakarta has no security guards. While officials ABRI is in Malang. On the field is felt there were provocateurs move. In some places, there was a shout: "Students come ... students come!"

In the chaos, it appears that students are very observant. Apparently, they avoid kambinghitam made. Because that day, and the next day, there was no demonstration of students coming out of college. Even some students who previously participated unusual demonstration, chose not home from college than being stuck on a road full crowd.

This situation forced Soeharto home sooner than the schedule of Egypt. Before going home, there was a rumor that he will be intercepted by the students. But Soeharto remained home, without going on deterrence as previously thought. Before going home, in the presence of Indonesian citizens in Egypt, he states willing to resign if the people so desire. At that time, he insisted will not use armed force against the students and the will of the people.

Arriving in Jakarta, HM Suharto then invited several public figures, including Abdurrahman Wahid and Nurcholish Madjid, without Amien Rais and Adi Sasono, to discuss the formation of the Reform Committee. He also plans to reshuffle his cabinet into the Reform Cabinet. It offers a gradual reform to prevent turmoil.

He also received the group rector of the University of Indonesia. They have come to ask President Suharto quit with honor. HM Soeharto let them express their aspirations through the Assembly. Student demonstrations were finally concentrated to the building MPR / DPR. They occupied the legislative building.

Harmoko, who served as Chairman of the Assembly and other MPR leaders urging accommodate students who asked Pak Harto down. In front of the students, Harmoko stated that the leadership of the Assembly agree with the urge students to ask Pak Harto retreat. Harmoko as not affected by the statement when asked for Pak Harto willingness to be nominated again become president long before the general assembly.

Harmoko statement is then explained (denied) Commander General Wiranto as an institution is not a statement but more of a personal statement.

HM Soeharto would closely follow the development of it. Until the evening of May 20, 1998, it seems that he still believes should be able to cope peacefully to establish a Reform Committee and remodel the cabinet into the Reform Cabinet. But the good wishes Pak Harto is welcome cold various circles even tragically rejected most of his assistants (ministers) who raised her.

Apparently this is the last seconds he was president. On that day, Wednesday, May 20, 1998 around 19:30, Pak Harto accept Former Vice President Soedarmono in Jalan Cendana residence 8 Jakarta. At that time, according Soedarmono, President Soeharto stated will still perform the duties of the presidency and will soon announce the establishment of a Reform Committee and amended the composition of the Seventh Development Cabinet.

About half an hour later, at 20:00, Vice President B.J. Habibie facing Pak Harto. Then around 20:30, Saadillah Murshid asked to meet President Suharto, who was with Vice President B.J. Habibie in the living room 8 Jalan Cendana residence that. In the presence of Vice President BJ Habibie, President Soeharto asking Saadillah Murshid, Secretary of State, to prepare the final text: Presidential Decree on the Reform Committee and the Presidential Decree on the Establishment of the Reform Cabinet.

At that time, President Soeharto said it will announce and implement the inauguration tomorrow, Thursday, May 21, 1998. For the purposes of President Soeharto also asked that the ceremonial hall or commonly called the room prepared credentials at the Presidential Palace.

Then Vice President B.J Habibie return. Meanwhile, as many as fourteen persons minister made the remarks are not willing to participate in the planned Reform Cabinet Pak Harto. They are the ministers who previously grew Pak Harto.

Then, about 21:00, after BJ Habibie return it, Saadillah Murshid beg to be able to continue to meet with Pak Harto. On that occasion, Saadillah Murshid reported that a number of people who planned to become a member of the Reform Committee have declared their opposition. Saadillah also reported the existence of information that fourteen persons minister planned to sit in the Cabinet Reform states are not willing to participate in the Cabinet. After that, Saadillah home.

But at around 21:40, Saadillah Murshid asked to meet President Soeharto again. Saadillah rushed into the room where the president usually receive guests, including ministers receive. Saadillah surprised that the President is not present in that room. When asked, then aide informed him that President Soeharto to wait in the office at the private residence.

Around 22:15 the day Wednesday, May 20, 1998, the HM Soeharto invited Saadillah sitting beside him. There is only one seat, in situ HM Soeharto sitting. Then welcome shift Saadillah puff, a rectangular seat, to get closer.

After a moment of silence, then HM Soeharto said: "All efforts to save the nation and the country we have done. But God apparently other wills. Clashes between students and the Armed Forces should not let happen. I do not want bloodshed. Therefore, I decided to quit as president, according to Article 8 of the Constitution of 1945. "

Then, to Saadillah as Secretary of State, was asked to prepare four things. First, the concept of 'Stop statement from the office of the President'; Second, tell the leader of the House of Representatives that request House leaders to meet and consult with the President will be held on Thursday, May 21, 1998 at 09:00 in room Jepara Merdeka Palace; Third, tell the Vice President BJ Habibie to be present at the presidential palace Thursday, May 21, 1998 at 09:00 and be ready to pronounce the Oath of office of President in the presence of the Chief Justice; Fourth, invoking the presence of the Chief Justice at the Presidential Palace the day Thursday, May 21, 1998 at 09:00.

Saadillah immediately notify House leadership, the Vice President and the Chief Justice over the phone. It was late before midnight. Then, together staff, Saadillah immediately start doing the drafting Stop Presidential Statement. After getting the points and landing, Bambang KESOWO, then Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary, and Soenarto Soedharmo, when the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State began to compile the initial concept. While Yusril Ihza Mahendra, when the Vice Assistant (Banas) State Secretary, provide inputs, especially in terms of constitutional law.

The concept of arranged together, as befits a work of staff. Not the work of individuals. Once the concepts studied and corrected several times, in 0300 the pre-dawn manuscript dated May 21, 1998 Statement has been prepared for submission to the President.

Manuscript submitted through a procedure that is standard in the Secretariat of State. The concept is already typed submitted to Adjutant. Aide put the manuscript on the President's desk.

The next morning, Thursday, May 21, 1998 around 10:00 am in the ceremonial hall Merdeka Palace, which is prevalent when it was called the space credentials, President Suharto delivered a speech Statement Stop As President of the Republic of Indonesia.

In his speech, the President Soeharto states in part: "I have declared the establishment plan Reform Committee and reshuffling the Cabinet of Development VII. However, to this day shows Reform Committee can not be realized, due to the absence of adequate response to the plan to form the committee. In the desire to implement reforms in a way that is best, I have come to impossible to establish that the Reform Committee, it changes the composition of the Seventh Development Cabinet is no longer necessary. "

"With regard to the above, I would argue very hard for me to be able to carry out the task of government and development well. Therefore, with regard to the provisions of Article 8 UUD 1945 and after earnest consideration the views of Chairman of the Board of Representatives and leaders of fractions in it, I decided to resign from my post as President of the Republic of Indonesia, effective as I read this statement, as of today, Thursday, May 21, 1998. "

After that, accompanied by his eldest daughter, Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana (Sister Tutut) and Saadillah Murshid, Pak Harto waved leaving the Presidential Palace return to the residence on Jalan Cendana 8. When they arrived at the residence, before sitting in the living room Pak Harto held up both hand while saying: "Allahu Akbar. Remove the load that were already carrying on my shoulders for decades. "Later, the sons and the family greet him.

After that, Pak Harto became the butt of scorn and insults. Not only from people who previously incompatible with Pak Harto, but more so of the ministers and leaders of Golkar which has not hesitate to do a variety of ways to get close. Even BJ Habibie who claims raised HM Soeharto also appear without political fatsoen take the attitude that in politics there are no eternal friendship, only eternal interests.

They did not hesitate to position Pak Harto and first family are like trash. The landfill all dirty. That all defilement in the New Order era heaped on the shoulders of Soeharto and his family. Apparently, HM Soeharto and his family as the only corrupt in that era.

HM Soeharto was 'exiled' from Golkar who raised her. Instead Golkar elites who first shouted that Suharto was arrested for the crimes alleged during the reign. Golkar, who previously predominantly used the influence of the armed forces seem to shift more dominated by elites ICMI (Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals).

A tragedy tendentious constitution, a thick colored political subjectivity ensued. Special Session on 13 November 1998 - MPR is still dominated by the power of Golkar results of the 1997 elections - set MPR Decree No.XI / MPR / 1998. Article 4 MPR decree reads: "The efforts to eradicate corruption, collusion and nepotism must be carried out strictly against anyone, whether state officials, former officials of the state, family, and cronies and private parties / conglomerates including former President Soeharto with due regard to the principle of the presumption of guilty and human rights. "

Explicit mention of the name people - former President Suharto - in this article looks tendentious, absurd and highly colored nature of political subjectivity as well as outside the norm constitutional system of Indonesia. Should not the format of an MPR is the general lines of a state policy? And so, this article as if to be positioned only applies to former President Soeharto, but does not apply to the former president of the others.

Apparently, that was the peak of betrayal several former ministers and elite Golkar dibesarkannya. Although Pak Harto never said explicitly that they have betrayed. But the attitude that to this day has not been willing to accept a visit BJ Habibie and several former ministers and other Golkar elite can understand the various parties as an indication in that direction.
Pak Harto also showed grit and determination. He eventually was put on trial on charges of corruption, misuse of funds had built foundations. He said it was willing to account for the funds of the foundation. However, he fell ill that led to the proceedings terminated.

But not all former ministers bear disloyal, having no political morality. There are some who precisely closer to him personally after is no longer in power. One of them is Saadillah Murshid, former Secretary of State. Saadillah stated: "Hopefully I avoid people during Soeharto hold the office of President, always close-close, lick and partiality. At the time of Pak Harto is no longer the President of the men also were outspoken blasphemous, chided, throwing all the blame on Pak Harto. A group of people like that gain curse God and for those dwelling poor, blasted (Qur'an, Surah Ar Ra'ad verse 25). "
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: 26 April 2016 at 17:57
Tag : History, President Soeharto.
Bambang Sunarno
www.history.com Updated at: 17:57:00

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