Tuesday 26 April 2016

Life of President Soekarno.

Ir Soekarno known as the first President of the Republic of Indonesia and also as a hero Proclamation, Sukarno who was called Bung Karno, born in Blitar, East Java, June 6, 1901 and died on June 21, 1970 in Jakarta. When he was born is called Koesno Sosrodihardjo. His father named Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and his mother Ida Ayu eight children. Fatmawati wife have children from Guntur, Megawati, Rachmawati, Sukmawati and thunder. Wife of Hartini have Typhoon and Bayu, while the wife Ratna Sari Dewi, a woman called the original derivative Japan Naoko Nemoto have children Kartika.

Childhood Soekarno only a few years to live with his parents in Blitar. During elementary school until graduation, he lived in Surabaya, a boarder at the house of Haji Oemar Said Tokroaminoto, veteran politician founder of Syarikat Islam. Then go back to school in HBS (Hoogere Burger School). While studying at HBS, Sukarno had galvanizing spirit of nationalism. After graduating HBS in 1920, moved to Bandung and continue to THS (Technische Hoogeschool or Technical High School are now becoming IT. He won the title of "Ir" on May 25, 1926.

Then, he formulated and established the doctrine Marhaenisme PNI (Indonesian National Party) on July 4, 1927, with the goal of an independent Indonesia. As a result, the Dutch put her in jail Sukamiskin, Bandung on December 29, 1929.

While incarcerated, Sukarno relied on his life from his wife. The whole necessities of life supplied by Inggit assisted by the elder brother of Soekarno, Sukarmini or better known as Mrs. Ward. When transferred to prison Sukamiskin, supervision of Sukarno increasingly harsh and strict.

He is classified as a dangerous prisoner. Even for isolating Soekarno order to not get information from the outside, he coupled with the prisoners 'elite'. This prisoner group composed largely of Dutch people involved in corruption, fraud, or embezzlement. Of course, chat with them does not connect with young Bung Karno who were eager to discuss the struggle for independence. At the most discussed is about the food, the weather, and things that are not important. The first few months under the custody Sukamiskin Bung Karno communication with his compatriots almost dropped out altogether. But actually, there are a variety of ways and made sense Soekarno to remain outside information.

It happened when the prison authorities allow Soekarno receive a shipment of food and eggs from outside. Eggs are an Inggit merchandise is always strictly checked by guards before being accepted Bung Karno. As told by Mrs. Ward is quoted in the book 'Bung Karno Masa Muda' published by Pustaka Between cities in 1978, the egg becomes a means of communication to spread outside the state prison. How, when Inggit send salted egg, meaning beyond the bad news that befell fellow Bung Karno. But he can only guess, bad news, because Inggit can not explain in detail.

Over time, Sukarno and Inggit then find more sophisticated ways to trick the Netherlands. The medium is still the same, the egg. However, the eggs had been pierced with a fine needle and more detailed messages about the bad news that can be understood Bung Karno. One thrust in egg means all the good news, the two puncture means a friend were arrested, and three puncture means there is a massive raid against the independence movement activists.

During their prison terms from December 1929 until his release on December 31, 1931, Sukarno was never visited by his parents who were Blitar. According to Ms. Ward, their parents Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai could not see the children they are proud of it being in a prison that is lowly and the defenseless position.

Moreover, when in Sukamiskin, according to Ms. Ward, Soekarno conditions so thin and black. But Bung Karno reasoned, she deliberately made her black working and moving in the sun to heat up the bones. For in the cell there is no sunlight, moist, dark, and cold. Eight months later a new trial. In his defense entitled Indonesia Sues, he showed apostasy Netherlands, a nation that claimed more advanced it.

Dutch defense was made more angry. So in July 1930, PNI was dissolved. After being set free in 1931, Sukarno joined Partindo and simultaneously lead. As a result, he was re-arrested by the Dutch and exiled to Ende, Flores, 1933. Four years later moved to Bengkulu.

After a long struggle, Bung Karno and Bung Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence on 17 August 1945. In BPUPKI dated June 1, 1945, Ir. Soekarno put forward the idea of ​​a basic state called Pancasila. Date August 17, 1945, Ir Soekarno and Drs. Mohammad Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence. In the trial PPKI, August 18, 1945 Ir.Soekarno elected by acclamation as the first President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Previously, he also succeeded in formulating Pancasila which later became the basis (ideology) of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. He sought to unite the archipelago. Even Sukarno tried to gather the nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to the Asian-African Conference in Bandung in 1955, which later evolved into the Non-Aligned Movement.

The G-30-S / PKI spawned severe political crisis that led to rejection of the Assembly on accountability. Instead MPR appointed Soeharto as Acting President. His health continued to deteriorate, which on Sunday, June 21, 1970 he died at the army hospital. He was buried at Wisma Yaso, Jakarta and was buried in Blitar, East Java near the tomb of his mother, Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. The government bestowed him as a "hero Proclamation".

President and Mrs. Fatmawati Soekarno.

President Sukarno during his lifetime is known to have charm, so easily conquering beautiful women he wanted. History records Bung Karno married nine times. But many do not know what kind of woman who loved the Son Dawn. For business turns criteria Bung Karno figure of a man is not adventurous. Attention Bung Karno be easily sucked in if they see a simple woman who dress modestly. Then, how Bung Karno views women sexy? Never in one shot while walking together by Fatmawati, Bung Karno told in the judgment of women. At that time Bung Karno really was falling in love with Fatmawati.

"One evening when we were walking together, Fatmawati asked me about the kind of woman I like," said Soekaro in the book 'Bung Karno Masa Muda' published by the Inter-City Library. Shortly Fatmawati Soekarno looked at the figure who was dressed in a simple and polite. Bung Karno feeling really volatile, he was a little surprised at the question. "I look to this village girl who dressed in red shirt and a hooded yellow brackets cloaking and courteous. I told her I liked her with authenticity and not modern women who wear short skirts, leotards and lipstick lips dazzling," said Sukarno.

"I prefer the old-fashioned woman who faithfully keep her husband and senatiasa fetch his shoes. I do not like American women of the new generation, which I heard told him to wash the dishes," he added. Maybe then Fatmawati Soekarno so fascinated to hear the answer is straightforward. Until eventually a mate both approaches. Fatmawati Soekarno married in 1943, and blessed with five children namely Guntur, Megawati, Rachmawati, Sukmawati, and thunder. "I like women who are happy with many children. I love my children," he said.

According to Ibu Fatmawati, he and Bung Karno never celebrated anniversaries, Never married silver or gold wedding, wedding anniversary 1st, 2nd or 3rd course never. The reason is not because the two never remember when married. This may be because the time of the wedding, the days being bandaged war. At the time of World War II was raging and new Japan come to colonize Indonesia.

"We never celebrate a silver wedding or golden wedding. So we consider it a matter of trivial, whereas we are always faced with major problems great and terrible," recalls Mrs. Fatmawati in books Bung Karno Masa Muda, published by Reader Inter-City, 1978 ,

Married life Fatmawati Soekarno and indeed turbulent struggle. Two years after they married, Indonesia achieved independence. But this is not finished, just when it was a physical struggle reached its peak. Bung Karno certainly be involved in any important moments of national struggle. This couple gave birth to their first son, namely Guntur Soekarnoputra. Guntur born during Bung Karno was aged 42 years. Next born Megawati, Rachmawati, Sukmawati, and thunder. Sons and daughters of Bung Karno known to have a high artistic talent. It was not strange considering Bung Karno is a figure admirer of works of art, while Mrs. Fatmawati very good at dancing.

Since childhood, Sukarno particularly liked the puppet stories. He memorized many wayang stories since childhood. At school in Surabaya, Sukarno was willing to stay up if there is a night wayang performances. He also likes to draw puppet on her slate. While detained in any prison Banceuy wayanglah stories that give strength to Sukarno. Inspired by Gatot Kaca, Soekarno confident the truth will prevail, despite having lost out many times. He was sure one day Dutch invaders will be defeated by the struggle of the people of Indonesia.

"Puppet show in the cell is not just fun and cheer. He also soothe the senses and give strength to me. The shadows of black in my head evaporated like mist and I could sleep soundly with an affirmation of faith. That the good will win over evil "Sukarno said in his biography written by Cindy Adams" Bung Karno, Indonesia People's mouthpiece, published the Bung Karno Foundation in 2007. Sukarno not only loved the Javanese culture. He also admired dances from around the country. Soekarno also so amazed at the dance congratulations came the people of Papua. Because the love Soekarno on art and culture, the National Palace is filled with a variety of paintings, sculptures and art objects other. each went to the area, Sukarno always looking for something unique to the area. He appreciated every artist, humanists to gamelan. Soekarno will take the time to talk about art and culture every morning, in addition to political speech.

The G-30-S / PKI spawned severe political crisis that led to rejection of the Assembly on accountability. Instead MPR appointed Soeharto as Acting President. Those moments were relegated at the Bogor Palace after G-30S / PKI, Sukarno killed time with music mengiventarisir kroncong once popular in the 1930s and then disappeared. For his hard work and some artists kroncong, Sukarno succeeded in rescuing some work kroncong. Setlah's health continued to deteriorate, which on Sunday, June 21, 1970 he died at the army hospital. He was buried at Wisma Yaso, Jakarta and was buried in Blitar, East Java near the tomb of his mother, Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. The government bestowed him as a "hero Proclamation".

The death of the President sec seconds.

Jakarta, Tuesday, June 16, 1970. The room in the intensive care Gatot Subroto Army Hospital was filled with soldiers since the morning. Uniformed and armed soldiers on full alert at several strategic points of the hospital. Do not lose much, plainclothes security officers also pacing hospital corridors up to the parking lot.

From the morning, tense atmosphere has been felt. The news that blow, said former President Sukarno will be taken to the hospital from his prison house at Wisma Yaso is only five kilometers.

This evening the rumors are proved. In the treatment room which is very simple to measure a former president, Sukarno lying weak in bed. For several days his health is very backward. Throughout the day, people who were once very powerful is constantly closing his eyes. Extremely high body temperature. Kidney disease is not treated properly increasingly undermined the strength of his body.

The man who never so manly and authoritative, and therefore digila-gilai many women around the globe, it is like living like a dead body. There is no longer handsome face. Now the face is decorated gingsulnya teeth have ballooned, a sign that the poison had spread everywhere. Not only swollen, but perforated, perforated like the moon's surface. The mouth is first able to enchant millions of the masses with his speeches are very intriguing, are now just pressed together and dried. Intermittently her lips trembling. Pain. His hands were formerly able to punch the sky and clawed the air, now lying limp at his sides increasingly thin.

The Son Dawn a matter of time.

Two days later, Megawati, the eldest son of Fatmawati allowed soldiers to visit his father. Witnessing his father lying weak and unable to open her eyes, both eyes Mega shed tears. His lips slowly brought closer to the human ear is most beloved.

"Sir, sir, this Ega ..."


His father did not move. His eyes did not open. But Sukarno's lips had cracked a small moving, shaking, as if he wanted to say something to her eldest daughter. Megawati Soekarno seemed aware of the presence. But he was unable to open his eyes. His right hand trembled as if he wanted to write something for his eldest daughter, but her body was too weak to simply write. His hands were limp. Sukarno was silent again.

Given this fact, Megawati feeling devastated. The tears who had been detained was now dripping down. Kian profusely. The young woman covers her nose with a handkerchief. Unable to accept the fact, Megawati away and dizziness. Mega soon being carried out.

The clock is moving. Outside the room, a squad of soldiers keep vigil bristling with guns.

In the evening the body's defenses collapsed a Sukarno. He coma. Between life and death. Team doctors immediately provide the necessary assistance.

The next day, the former vice president Mohammad Hatta was allowed to visit his old colleague's. Hatta accompanied by his secretary approached the bedside of Soekarno very carefully. With all the strength that successfully dihimpunnya, Sukarno managed to open his eyes. Endured the pain indescribable, Sukarno said weakly.

"Hatta .., are you here ..?"

Addressee could not hide her sadness. But Hatta did not want his friends to know if she is sad. Strive to bury the pain that ripped the heart, Soekarno Hatta tried to answer properly. Smiled slightly entertaining.

"Yes, how are you, No?"

Hatta greeted him as he used in the past. Soekarno hand gently holding her hand. The heat coursed through her fingers. He wants to give strength to the people who are very respected this.

Sukarno's lips trembled, suddenly, still weak, she asked the Dutch language. Something unusual they both did when they were united in Duumvirate. "Hoe gaat het met jou ...?" How are you?

Hatta forced a smile. Hand still holding the arm of Sukarno.

Soekarno then sobbed like a child. The mighty man cries in front of their comrades, like a baby who lost toys. Hatta is no longer able to control his feelings. Defenses collapse. Also spilled tears. Hatta began to cry.

Both old friend who had split it were holding hands as if afraid of parting. Hatta know, the time available for people who admired this will not be much longer. And Hatta also know how cruel torture without blow suffered by his friend. Something that can only be done by people who do not have a conscience.

"No ..." That was all that could come out of his lips. Hatta was not able to say more. Her lips trembled hold sadness at the same disappointment. Her shoulders shaking.

Deep down, Hatta was very angry at the new ruling the heart to torment the father of this nation. Although political principle between him and Sukarno do not coincide, but it did not spoil persabatannya such a close and sincere.

Soekarno Hatta still holding arms when his back closed his eyes.

The clock is moving. Creeping up for the numbers. Remaining time for Sukarno increasingly thin.

A day after meeting with Hatta, Sukarno already bad conditions, continued to decline. Son of the Dawn was no longer able to open his eyes. His temperature is rising. Soekarno now shivering. Sweat soaking the pillow and pajamas. At night Dewi Sukarno and his daughter who was three years old, Karina, was present at the hospital. Sukarno had never once seen his son.

Sunday morning, June 21, 1970. Doctors Mardjono, a member of the presidential medical team as always did a routine check. Together with two paramedics, doctors Mardjono check the condition of these special patients. As a physician who has experience, Mardjono know time is not long to live.

By very carefully and respectfully, he checked the pulse of Soekarno. With the remaining power is still there, Sukarno moved his right hand, holding the arm of her doctor. Mardjono feel the heat from the high of a very weak hand. Suddenly the hot hand went limp. At that moment Soekarno last breath. His eyes never able again to open. His body lay motionless again. Now forever.
The situation around the room was very quiet. The air feels momentarily stop flowing. The sound of chirping bird, no sound. The void fraction of a second which is so gripping. And sad.
World removing one of the makers of history of controversy. Many people loved him, but many of them hate. But all agree, Sukarno was an unusual man. Which is not necessarily born again in a century. Man is now gone.
Mardjono doctor immediately called all of his friends, fellow presidential medical team. Soon they issued an official statement: Soekarno had died.
Issues to be killed slowly

Confidence Many people that Bung Karno was killed slowly may be seen from the way the treatment is that everything proclaimer RI strictly regulated and repression by President Soeharto. Bung Karno when illness detained in a guesthouse Yasso (Yasso is the name of brother Dewi Sukarno) on Jl. Gatot Subroto. This arrest makes it very spiritual and physical suffering. Her children can not freely visit.

Many recipes team of doctors, led by dr. Mahar Mardjono, which can not be exchanged for drugs. There are heaps of recipes in a corner in a detention center Bung Karno. Recipes to take drugs there never exchanged with the drug. Bung Karno was left sick and may thus be expected by the new authorities in order to accelerate his death.

Demand from the team of doctors Bung Karno to bring medical equipment from China was banned by President Soeharto. "Even just to pay for healthcare and treating toothache, must be authorized by him," he once told Rachmawati Soekarnoputeri.

Words of Wisdom Soekarno

We are a great nation, we are not a nation of tempeh. We will not beg, we will not beg especially if assistance was diembel embroider on this condition that requirement! Better eat cassava but independent, than to eat Bestik but slaves. [Speech Anniversary of the Proclamation, 1963]
A great nation is a nation that respects their heros. (Heroes Day Speech 10 Nop.1961)
Struggle easier because repel invaders, but your struggle will be more difficult because it goes against your own people.
Make Deritaku this as testimony that the power of a president even though there is a limit. Because power lasting just a people's power. And above all is the power of God Almighty.
If in man there is still shame and fear to do something good, then bail for him is not going to a meeting he had with the advancement of a single step.
Nations that do not believe in the strength of itself as a nation, can not stand as an independent nation.
Build a world where all nations live in peace and brotherhood
Do not think we've all been pretty instrumental in terms of three colors. As long as there is still mourning in shacks our work is finished! Strive continuously by pumping as much as much sweat.
Give me 1000 parents, will undoubtedly semeru pulled out from the roots, give me one youth, I will undoubtedly shake the world
Nobody is counting: how lucky I got later from the Republic, if I struggled and sacrificed to defend it
Do not look to the future with a blind eye! The period of the past is useful to be glass bengala of the future.
Government confers Bung Karno as a hero Proclamation. Sukarno (Soekarno) is Indonesia valiant hero "of your service and will not be forgotten until destroyed Earth". Is there Sukarno (Soekarno) Additional ERA this now?
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: 26 April 2016 at 11:14
Tag : Hitory, President Soekarno.
Bambang Sunarno
www.history.com Updated at: 11:14:00

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